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Me and Norway were finally going out to find new islands to collect, already collecting Iceland. After Iceland we flew to find more islands hopefully reaching land after 2 months. Sadly we haven't made much progress. Me, Norway, and baby Iceland are still searching and hopefully getting back to Sweden in time. "Hey I've heard their was islands near this area according to Britian." Norway said. "It's about time!" I said. "Iwaund!" Iceland said. "Huh?" I asked. "Iwaund Iwaand!!!" He kept yelling. I looked ahead and saw land. "Woah, I haven't seen land in years!" Norway joked. "Yeah..." I said. And after a few more minutes we finally made it to shore. It didn't seem like alot was here, but we did see a small town. Mabey 20 people, they all looked Inuit and were going in their houses when they saw us. I went over to them and all they said was some whisper noises. But, I noticed a little girl at the side of a tree. She looked like she was about 3 years old and looked almost identical to Norway except her hair was completely white and was very very curly. We went up to her and she said "Shhh." We didn't know what it meant but we asked her name and she said, "Lhmbqhkhsk." Then made a clicking sound after saying it. We tried to think of what it meant and thought of "Limberwisk." We asked where her house was and she raised an eyebrow. "I think she speaks a different language." Norway added. "Ooo!" Iceland said. "Well we can teach her English and other languages of ours." I told. "Yeah, thats true." Norway said. We decided to take her with us and keep exploring more islands.


After we left the island "Lhmbqhkhsk" we decided to keep it as ours. We renamed it into "Limberwisk" according to to what she sounded like when saying "Lhmbqhkhsk." So me and Denmark finally decides to leave hopefully coming back soon, and went to discover more lands.

3 months later...

Before we went back to home we stumbled across a green patch of land surrounded by snow, we also so a little girl their and oddly enough Limberwisk jumped out and ran to the girl saying "chs! chs!!" I was confused but I think she was saying sister because they look the same! "Woah, these to might be sisters and were separated for mabey years!" Denmark added. "Yeah..." I mumbled. Limberwisk and ? hugged and cried. Denmark didn't wanna be mean so he brought ? along with him and named her "Greenland" because of tiny patch of green when we landed on the island. and Greenland could surprisingly speak some English. She said "Thank you for save me, I stuck on iwand for weeks, and the island seems like it go on for eva!" This gave us a hint that the island Greenland was on must have been very huge! But we couldn't know that for sure until we have proof. Soon after we went back to home and got to tell Sweden the news!


It's been 7 months since Denmark and Norway where here, they should be coming back by now. Well while they come back I could eat something. But im probably gonna eat alot more before they come back. Well I could go talk to Finland or something.

A few days later...

I went to go talk to Finland and got some food from Poland. Mabey Norway and Denmark are back now... I'm going to go see. I went to my house just to see that no one was there yet. Dang. I'm going back to Europe. I went to Great Britain's house because he knows the most about this area and the islands out in the arctic. I was walking to house now and before I got there I had to wait for a cargo ship, which took an hour... But, I finally made it. "Can I help you?" Britian asked after I knocked on his door. "Oh, hey Sweden, what brings you here?" "Can you help me figure out where Norway and Denmark are at?" I asked. "Oh, sure!" I walked into his house and sat down. He gave me some tea. "So when did they leave Europe?" Britian asked. "About 7 months ago." I added. "How many islands were they trying to explore?" Britian asked. "Mabey 3 or 4 going out as far as were the unknown is." I answered. "Woah, well how fast could the boat go?" He questioned. "About, 40 miles per hour." I said. "Ok, well they should be entering the canal right now." Britian told. "Well, lets hope your right." I added. "Yeah, we'll thank you for coming." Britian said. "No problem." I said. And then I left waiting for Denmark and Norway. I can't wait to see the kids they brought! Well it's best I just sit at home and wait. It won't be long.

The next day...

I woke up early today, to wait for Denmark and Norway to come back and I've been waiting for a few hours. I guess I just really want to see the kids there bringing. Until I heard the boat hit the dock at my house. I ran outside and saw Denmark and Norway along with 3 other kids, woah. "Sweden!" Norway yelled. I went over there to see the kids. They all had white hair except one. One was a boy the other two were girls. "What are their names?" I asked. "Iceland, Greenland, and Limberwisk." Norway told. "Oh can they talk?" I questioned. "Well, all of them can talk but one doesn't talk in our language." Denmark said. "Oh, we'll thats still ok!" I said. "Yeah, but she dosen't understand us well." Norway added. "Oh well she will learn our language one day, we can teach her." I said. "And her hair is very pretty." I told Limberwisk. "Hh?" Limberwisk said. We went Inside started teaching Limberwisk our languages. Hopefully she'll learn soon she sounds like she can only whisper and make clicking noises.

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