*•In call•*

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{No one's POV}

  The feral boys (aka Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl and Quackity) were all in call on discord, they weren't streaming or anything just playing on Dream's so well known server, the Dream SMP.

  They were fooling around,making jokes and stuff, until Quackity and George both decided to leave the call, so now Sapnap, Karl and Dream were all alone.

  Sapnap spoke "Hey guys do you want to do a meet-up? My fans have been wanting this to happen so.. yeah i have been thinking about it quit a lot as well! I mean that is alright with you guys too" "aHEM" that was of course Dream who said it, who wasn't ready for a face reveal just yet.

  After Sapnap clarified that Dream didn't have to show his face to their fans, he told them about the date,it would be the upcoming week. Dream agreed and he asked his best friend if it would be ok for George to come too (simp).Of course the younger male agreed (and teased him for being a simp), he also informed them that they wouldn't have to pay for a hotel because everyone would be staying at his house.

  The three boys added gogy in the call and both karl and george agreed to go on this trip all the way to Texas.

  After a short amount of time Dream and Gogy started flirting so Sap, disgusted by his friends doings, said a quick good night to his masked friend and George and invited Karl to another vc.

  {Sapnap's POV}

  After about fifteen minutes or so the too love birds started flirting, not gonna lie i am really happy for my two best friends loving eachother but man they have gotten out of hand!So i invited Karl to join me in another vc.

  "Hello hot stuff~" i teased Karl, he giggled a little bit and then greeted back with a "Hello Nick". When he giggled and called me by my name i got butterflies in my stomach Not now! I thought to myself I know that i like Karl but if he acts so damn cute i am going to fricking melt! Afterwards we just chatted and played some Minecraft.

{Karl's POV}

  When we moved on to a different call Sap greeted me by calling me Hot Stuff, a deep shade of red appeared on my cheeks. Thank God our cameras aren't on! I thought but i decided to shake it off. Once i said hi too we logged into Minecraft once more.

-Time skip (still Karl's POV)-

After about two and a half hours had past and i felt sleepy but i didn't want to hang up on Sapnap, i really enjoy hanging out with him so i decided that sleep could wait.

  Five minutes later i couldn't hold it in anymore so i let out a small yawn. Hopefully Nick didn't hear that.

{Sapnap's POV}

  After a while i hear Karl yawning. "You should go to sleep Karl, we can continue mining tomorrow" i said to him and of course his stubbornness came out."Nooooo I don't want to go to sleep Sap...!" The older male responded letting another soft yawn out at the end of his sentence."Why?" I asked him with a calm voice. "I don't want to hang up on you Niiiick..!" He complained."Then don't" i replied with a big smile on my face!

{Karl's POV}

  I told Sapnap how i didn't want to hang up, His answer caught me of guard! "Then don't" he said in a soft and calm voice.After a bit of him trying to convince me, we decided that we'd both go to bed in call.

  I heard as Nick went over to his bed and fell asleep so i did the same. I couldn't sleep though,i was thinking about him, Nick, but why?This last week i have been thinking about him more than normal, this last week i have been noticing how cute of a laugh he has, how beautiful his eyes are, how pretty he dresses and more like that..He just wouldn't leave my head. Do i like him? Wait am i even into guys? What will him and the others think? How will he react? What if i scare him off and he won't want to talk to me ever again? My thoughts were interrupted by Sap's sleepy voice.

{Sapnap's POV}

  I heard someone murmuring, that's Karl right? This thought crossed my mind. I opened my eyes and just admired the older's body and face (i forgot to mention their cameras are on oopsie).

  I shook it off and asked him why he isn't asleep, he simply replied with a nothing so i realized that something is up. "Do you want to talk about it?" I said. He shook his head negatively so i got that it is probably something personal. "You can tell me everything you know, i won't judge you. I don't want to force you to tell me though" I reminded him, i got no answer so i decided to break the ice a little and change the subject. "Do you want to talk, in general?" I asked. "Mhm" is all i got as a response.

  And just like that we chatted all night long! I can confidently say that Karl is a really interesting person. I really enjoyed talking to him but the other day i had to stream so around 4 in the morning i managed to get Karl to sleep!    

{Karl's POV}

  Sapnap noticed that I wasn't asleep so he asked me if something is up, i really didn't want to tell him that what i was thinking about was he so i replied with with a simple nothing. Sadly he realised that something is off  and tried to learn the reason i was up at 1 in the morning. I didn't answer, but then he asked me if i wanted to just chat in general, i thought about it for a bit but agreed because i could get my mind off of things. It truly helped!

  After a while i saw that Sap was half asleep so i thought I'd go to sleep too as well as him. Once he saw that i was half asleep too he told me to go to sleep and just like that we both slept a bit. He is so sweet, i can't wait for next week to come!


I hope you guys liked the first chapter!!

I won't be updating very soon tho because..yk.... school!

Plz tell me more ideas or/and if you liked/disliked the fanfic at the comments too!!

Btw this is my first story so i am really sorry for any mistakes

Word count: 1142

That's it for today, byeee love you guys!! <3



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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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