chapter seven

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The small brown lay over the kitchen table,  after days of staying awake and growling at anyone or anything that came near her, she crashed. 
When she opened her eyes she found herself lying on a table, wrapped in some type  of cloth.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Her voice echoed in the dimly lit room. Feeling around her by rolling on the table she bumped into something hard poking up.
With a start she realized there was paper underneath her and that what she had bumped into was ink well.
Purring she pulled the ink well close and blinking,  realized she could walk again.
Dipping a claw into the ink well, she ran it across the yellowed parchment beneath her paws furiously writing.
"What are you up to, little one?"
"Writing home! I haven't seen paper in so long," she answered before dread crept over her as she recognized the voice.
"How are you going to get your letters out, hmm?" Dracula had inched closer.
Turning she growled, and glared at him.
Leaping forward she clawed at him, missing before falling with a thud to the ground.
"I just really want to go home. Okay?  That's the only thing i want!" She stood in front of him bristling.
"That's cute that you think that i would let you go, " he picked her up, "right now,  you're just an angry little squirrel in a cage, " he gloated before pausing,  "oh, right.  I have another guest,  I'll be back to talk more later,"
He left the room and the small cat's heart sank as she heard the lock click, keeping her inside. 

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