Oscar accidentally kills Buck then feels bad about it

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So one day the stupid little lizard named Oscar was walking around the desert, when he accidentally stepped on Buck's foot, then Buck fucking died. Oscar was shocked he accidentally committed murder, so he cried for 7 hours straight with no pausing. It's a miracle his lungs still worked after that.

So being the dumb little reptile that he is, Oscar has no idea how to hide a body. I mean I don't know either but I'm smarter then this loser. He especially couldn't let the bitch of a coyote fennec fox thing find out since that is one of her henchmen.

So he tried to hide Buck's body in a empty bottle of soda. Oscar you dumb fuck Buck can't fit in a soda, but go off I guess king. Anyways Oscar tried for 24 hours to hide the body, but he cant do it because there's not much places to hide a corpse in a desert.

So he walked up to that hoe Popy.

Oscar: "Hi Bitch, I killed Buck on accident"

Popy was really sad.

Popy: "Why did you kill Buck on accident, now I will kill you on purpose"

Popy grabbed a knife that was somehow in the desert and stabbed Oscar with it, and the dumb little idiot fucking died.

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