Bestie Vibie 🥰

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Tylor ended the call with a quick thanks. He opened snapchat and with the speed of lightning typed out Deez_Nutz69. He found the profile and clicked add friend. The name of the account was 🧸Dmon🧸💤. No wonder people called him Mr.D. Wait didn't Sam say Dmon was a girl? Whatever it doesn't matter. Tylor thought as he closed his phone and continued his walk home.


When Tylor finally got home he opened his one bedroom apartment with a sigh, it was almost two in the morning and he still had school. Tylor jumped on his bed and pulled out his phone to check snapchat to see if Dmon added him back.

And Dmon did end up adding Tylor back.

Tylor is typing....
I heard about your business

Dmon is typing...
Yeah do you need anything in particular

No actually i'm in the same type of business

Wanna talk at Driller Park tomorrow at around 7:00 ish we could chat in more detail

Sure talk to you then


All tylor knew was that this kid, Dmon was that she was younger then he was and had better shit than he did. Oh and Mr.D was actually a girl. So I guess that's something... Either way he should be careful. In the mean time Tylor had to sleep, he was already struggling to keep up with his studies and sleeping in class was not an option.

Tylor closed his eyes letting the blanket of darkness consume him.


Bartholomew woke up with a ray of sun shine casting over his aunts light blue walls he had a long and dreadful flight. But that was over and he could finally enjoy the warmth and comfort of a bed. The smell of toast and eggs engulfed him as he trouted down stairs he saw his aunt in the kitchen making breakfast. She had her beautiful blond hair in a braid that laid over her rainbowie pajamas.

"Hey Aunt Cara!" Bartholomew smiled warmly,

"Hey, breakfast is almost ready." Cara stated without taking her eyes off the food.

Bartholomew sat down at the luch table patiently waiting for his food. After about 10 minutes of Bartholomew mindlessly scrolling through Tedtok his aunt finally set his food down.


Bartholomews eyebrows furrowed in question as he looked down at his phone reading the new message he received,

From 🌺🌸Vibie🌺🌸
Hey bestie how is the Florida life treating you?? 🥰🥰

Its ok

Thats good lollll I'm in class rnn wyd??? 🤪

Im eating

Ooo luck i didn't get to eat this morning 😩


Anyway when are you starting school?? 😐

Im starting tomorrow actually

Oh really I hope you end up in a few of my classes lol you did say that we were going to my school righttt??

Yeah we are actually what a coincidence that you of all people my ONLINE best friend that i met on a minecraft server TWO year ago is going to the same school as me

IKR ITS SO WEIRD im not going to your school tho lol your going yo mine dumbass 🤣  also how are you supposed to get to school didn't you say that your aunt is taking the only car?? 🤨

Im walking obviously 🙄

Bartholomew waited for a response but Vibie suddenly went offline and left him on open so he just assumed she was busy. The thing about Vibie is she knows everything and everyone in her school so Bartholomew knew a thing or two about the new life he was about to live. Bartholomew wasn't ready for tomorrow but he knew that at least he won't be alone.

The 15 year old placed his empty plate in the sink and sauntered up to his new room to unpack.

Clothes, clothes, a charger, more clothes, Bartholomew was dreadfully unpacking his clothes when he saw a lump in his luggage, he pulled it out revealing a old walkie talkie, the same walkie talkie he found in the basement. But he didn't remember packing it? How did it end up with all of his clothes and shit if he didn't put it there?

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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