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dalyj named the chat 'ACCOUNTABILITY GANG'

right here's the deal

oh boy, here we go

I have a stack of laundry on my bed that's
as tall as a toddler and I need to put it away

but due to my brain no make dopamine disease
aka adhd, my brain physically will not let me

we call this ✨adhd paralysis✨

ugh, girl tell me about it

do you need someone to hold you accountable

omg someone who understands

yes please shane and quickly

my mother will be home in 20 minutes
and she'll riot if this pile isn't put away

eli, fancy helping me out here?

eh, why the hell not

dalynn, put away your laundry right
now or I will dedicate the rest of my
waking days to spamming your phone with the music video to that godforsaken drivers license song




what the fuck

and I will text purely in emojis for the rest of your existence

therefore rendering you in a constant state of confusion

y'all are evil

but you did what I said

my heros

gonna go put away this tower to
prevent myself from a lifetime of torture
via music and emojis

thanks lads bye byeeeee

A/N: here's... this 😂 I did this one on my phone purely so I could use emojis 😂 not all of these will be from Dalynn's perspective, but since she has ADHD it worked for this one.

anyway, this is loosely based off of a conversation my best friend and I had earlier, she's the best. she also told me I could write this, so props to her (if you're her then guess what, I love u)

executive dysfunction is a meanieeeeee but there are ways to fool the system! for example, asking your friend to threaten you so that your brain feels a threat 😂 I'm serious, it works.

anywho, I hoped you like this! see ya lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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