Entry 47

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Entry 47: October 5

Today, I bumped into three familiar faces from junior high at school. They were the ones I'd rather forget.

At first, it wasn't so bad. The main guy, Yoskei, called over the other two over. They thought they were being discrete, and that I had not noticed them yet, but it was painfully obvious that they were talking about me as their chuckles were piercing to my ears.

Then, they approached me, stifling their cackles between their words.

"Hey, Akaashi! How are you?" One of the boys asked.

"Yeah! Still sucking dick?" The other laughed.

I ignored them.

But it was hard once they began to corner me. Yoskei had the other two holding my arms against the wall while he dug his heel into my stomach.

I refused to flinch—instead, I locked eyes with him, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break.

That seemed to piss them off more. Yoskei scoffed.

"Well that's no fun, Akaashi." He said. "Here, let me give you some fun."

I could've fought back, but I hesitated—why should I not let the three have their way? Do I deserve anything better?

Yoskei yanked my hair and pushed me down to the ground. I landed hard on my knees, feeling the sting of impact shoot through my legs. He then forced my head up with a smirk on his face, looking down at me menacingly.

He began to thrust his crotch into my face—covered, of course—but none the less revolting. All three of them laughed loudly as he continued. 

"Is this how it was like when Daku was face-fucking you? Did you like it?" Yoskei cackled.

"I can't believe you sucked him off just to be friends with us. God, he was such a nerd too!" 

They weren't wrong. I wanted so badly to have friends in middle school, I did anything. I should've realized that I couldn't just buy friends.

True friends choose to stay by your side, because they want to.

I learned that when I met Bokuto-san.

Today, Bokuto-san shoved Yoskei off of me and punched him. He broke the boy's nose, and the other two went running off quickly after.

After, Bokuto-san held me up and asked if I was okay. I didn't know what to say.

No one has looked me in the eyes the way Bokuto-san does.

So lovingly. 

A Wish || Bokuto x Akaashi [REDONE 2024]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt