Chapter 3

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I screamed I never knew my hair would fall out this early. "AHH look at you you look so UGLY!!" Rose yelled at me "and you slapped me to!" She said to me then she ran somewhere. But I did not care about where she ran off to my hair is coming out. This is the end I might be homeschooled again how great and in the second day of school to could this day get any worse! I thought to myself. The principal came running over to me and my nearly bald head "Oh are you okay we should call your mother and father!" The principal said to me. But here is the thing my father left me and my mother when they heard I had cancer. I thought then everything went black.

(Time skip to the hospital)

I don't know how long I have been asleep for but I just be safe. Somebody poked something in me. I jolted awake. I was in the hospital how great. "Mia can you hear me say something." The doctor said to me. "Yes I can hear you fine!" I say in a rush I want to go back home just the way it was. "Good good you can hear and see." The doctor said checking her notes. The notes are probably on me. I thought sadly. "Mia you were asleep for five days." Mom said hugging me. "Ma'am get away from her she has wires on her!" The doctor says sternly to mom. So mom let's go of me and says sorry. "Mom where is dad isn't he supposed to be here?" I asked quietly looking down at my hands.

"No mia he is not here... he is is with his new family." Mom says trailing off. I knew dad won't be here he is with his perfect family with no diseases and nothing can ruin that other family. I thought sadly I felt the doctor take my hand "sweetie have you eaten anything because you feel light your blood is running low." The doctor said in a concerned voice "I have not." I said sadly my thoughts still on dad and his other perfect family. I reach for the toast on the tray then take a bite. "Well um mia all of your hair fell out when you were sleeping." Mom says with a worried expression on her face.

I spit out the toast that I was eating. How could this happen how will I face rose and her friends at school. I thought I felt the top of my head it felt smooth. I grabbed the mirror then screamed. "AHHHHHH" I yelled "what happened with my hair!" I screamed at the doctor and my mom "well one thing is for sure since you have cancer all your hair fell out." The doctor said calmly. "Also the good news is you will still be able to go to school." My mom said excitedly what go to school that is what I had been dreading this whole time. I thought "wait school why all the kids will make fun of me!" I yelled at my mom. "Mia you just started school I do not want to take you back out so you are still going to school." My mom said in her stern voice.

And that was that the choice was made I was going to school. And there was nothing I could do about it.

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