Louder Than Bombs

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Quick disclaimer! Yes I will make the titles song names and I might update this not regularly cuz I dont have lots of time so I'll have to write at night and get no sleep at all 😃 because I never do now imma stop blabbering and let's get into the story

Jimins pov:
I woke up hungry and not knowing the time, I got up and checked the time realizing 'IM LATE' I shouted I quickly got ready grabbed a apple and left.

while I'm running to dance practice I start to think of my mom and dad.

When I was younger my dad left me and my mom at the age of 6 my mom was depressed and started drinking and abused me when I turned 11 she hung herself a day before Christmas she left me a note saying:

My sweet boy, I'm so sorry for these past years. I'm sorry for how I treated you, I'm sorry I left you like this I just really miss your Father and I cant keep on going on like this I left 1,000,000 dollars in your bank account your father created for you when you were born. Both me and your father put money into it for years and now that I have left I put everything I have in it so I hope you have a great life, Remember I Love You

         - Park Mi-Jeong / Eomma

Those were her last words to me I still remember how beautiful she was and I still love her.

I soon realized I was already at the studio only being 3 minutes late Hobi Hyung came up to me asking where I was, honestly i didnt know what to tell him so i just said

"I slept in, Sorry Hobi hyung"

He shrugged it off and said it was okay but not to be late again, all my thoughts were running around and around in my head until.....

Cliff hangerrrrrr
I'm so sorry lol I just wanted to end it like that 😂😂 yes ik it's stupid it's just do many stories I read the chapters end like that but I'm not stopping imma keep writing right after this chapter!

Dont leave me | Jikook | Fluff | Smut |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ