Chapter 7

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(Phils POV!!!!)

"Hi!" I answer my phone. Dan stays silent, and I hear a small sob and he hangs up.

Is he okay? Did I upset him?

I grab a jacket and leave my house, though I only arrived moments ago. I have to apologize for whatever I did. Dan is a really great friend, and I can't lose him.

I know he'll marry my twin sister, but I can't help but love all these little things about him.

The way he blushes when I touch him, the way his hair curled up in the rain, the way he opened up to me about his depression...

And not to mention, he is really cute.

The rain has calmed down a bit, but I don't want my hair to be messy when I see Dan, so I pull up my hood. I shove my hands into my pockets, and watch the little water droplets hit the pavement.

Maybe Dan isn't mad at me. Maybe it's because of his parents divorce, and he feels at fault. Nevertheless, I should go to comfort him anyways.

When I reach the gate, I press the doorbell and wait for them to open. I wait for a minute, pacing in the rain, and I see a figure emerge from the large doors.


He stares at the ground, rubbing his thin arms as he comes closer to the gate.

"The buttons broken, I have to open it manually..." Dan said quietly. He hasn't looked at me yet. He's been looking down the whole time. He's fumbling with the lock.

"Oh that's alright." As he hears my voice, he looks up.

"Dan!!!" I shriek. He has a swollen black eye, and there is a bleeding cut by it. The gates open, and I embrace him, holding him tight in my arms. "Who did that!? Are you alright?!"

"Phil- I-" He sobs. I pull his head into my shoulder, and attempt to make him a bit warmer. "Can- can you c-come inside please?" He says in a shaky voice.

I nod, and follow him inside the large castle. When we enter, I try not to notice the amazing furniture and cleanliness of the place, but it's a bit difficult. Its so modern, and nice! My place is much more cluttered and dusty. But I focus on his wavy hair instead, admiring how its gotten darker because of the rain.

He leads me upstairs to his room, and falls into my arms as soon as he shuts the door. "I'm so sorry Phil..." He whispers. I pet his hair with my hand, and slowly rub his back with the other.

"What happened?"

He plops down on his bed, which has a black canopy hanging down over it. I stand for a moment, not sure if I should sit by him, but then he pats the spot next to him so I do. I wrap my arm around his shoulders, and ask once again for him to tell me what happened.

"M-my dad was yelling at my mum, a-and I went to see what he w-was doing, and I tapped his shoulder, and-" he let's out a loud sob. "He punched me. An-and then I cried and he heard, and he kicked me, and then i- ran away."

"Kicked you?" I ask in a hushed tone.

He reluctantly brings up his shirt, and I see most of his stomach is a sickly blue-red-purple color. He pulls it down again, and wipes away some of his tears.

"That's horrible... I'm so sorry."

He shakes his head. "Its not your fault."

We sit in silence for a little, and he stares down at the space between us. I admire his tan skin, and his dark brown eyes peeking up every so often from behind his fringe.

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