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Also known as London and Paris adoptive father.

He was born is 1842. Named Shlen.
When he was twelve years Old he had heard of something called night terrors and people getting them.

They were sent to philosophers to be studied and one day he found out his father had recently had a night terror.
Not knowing why they happend

Shlen notes that everyone who had one had something to do with guilt or a shakeup felling. So he studied more and more.

One night he was reading the same notes again and again. When he saw it.
A flash of blackness. Across the night sky. He peaked out the door to find a wolf pitch black with white eyes. It practically blended within the shadows.

He followed it out of his home and to a gaint black rock. When he stepped on it it turned him upside down into a realm of darkness.

He saw nothing but the wolves and long white trees. All color drained into. Nothing.

He gently touched one of the wolves to see a different reality. It was exactly the same as his fathers night terror. He could see it but once he let go of the wolf the vision was gone.

He did that every night going back and wanting the dreams of others threw the wolves. But evry time he came back he looked paler and his eyes grew dark inky looking circles around them.

After years of going there he discovers that he can go into the wolves and save people from there night terrros. But once people found out that he was the one saving them. They didn't see it that way.

They saw him as the cause of the terrors...

He ran away at the age of twenty one from his home. Living near the black portal rock.

Years passed and he noticed that he never seemed to grow. He stayed twenty five after at least thirty years. Still not looking different but now very pale. He begean to bring the wolves back to earth where they melted into ink as he followed them into other peoples dreams. Now being able to go find the people and shift there dreams in the real world.

It had been so long without friends that when he found a Woman with bright red hair dropping into a portal much like his own. He had to say hi.

It took him some time, about one hundred years to do it. But one day he waited outside her portal with a smile so big and new that he looked like a new child. When she came back up she gasped and wind pinned him to a tree.

"State your business or I shall freeze you over and then burn you with fire!" The res head screamed a strange tatto along her arm glowing. He gulped and then spoke softly. "I am Shlen, most people now me as the bogie man. I have a portal to ya know!" He said it with such a smile the witch couldn't even bring a frown to her face.

"Well it's nice to meet you Shlen, I am Lela! Lela the powerful witch! And I am now your best friend!!"


Well that's part one for Boggie man and Lela: Hellas mom.

Tell me what you thought!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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