❄️Chance! ❄️

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🍁Author - kun pov🍁

3 years ago have passed since Kariya's comatose, because of car accident,he was with his cousin Yuuma when their car hit by a truck.
Yuuma suffered severe injuries because of this she was comatose for 4 years, while Kariya sustained minor injuries but because of the trauma he was comatose for 3 years.

Yuuma suffered severe injuries because of this she was comatose for 4 years, while Kariya sustained minor injuries but because of the trauma he was comatose for 3 years

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I'm in the middle of a meeting when Kariya's doctor called me and he said Kariya may awake any time soon.

I hurriedly visited Midorikawa to inform him the good news said by Kariya's doctor.

Midorikawa,"Hiroto said while panting".

What is it Hiroto?," Midorikawa ask".

Good news, the doctor called me and said Kariya may awake any time soon.

Really?!!!," Midorikawa ask while surprised".

Yeah!, "Hiroto replied while smiling".

Wait what about Yuuma? ,"Midorikawa ask".

Well no news yet,"Hiroto said".

Oh I see, so when will we visit Kariya?,"Midorikawa ask".

This Saturday so let's prepare on the return of Kariya.

Yeah!,you're right.

So let's inform them?,"Hiroto ask".

yeah,"midorikawa respond"

Wait what date is it now?,"Hiroto ask".

It's Thursday,"Midorikawa replied".

Ok!,let's call a meeting tomorrow and
should I call my secretary Midorikawa? ,"Hiroto said".

Yeah, let's give them an appointment.

"Hiroto called his secretary".
Gabriel, come here

Yes Sir may I help you?

Well *after explaining *

Yes Sir you can count on me.

Thank you, you're dismissed.

Yes Sir, *the secretary left *

So let's rest for a while now, "Midorikawa said".

Yeah you're right,"Hiroto replied".

sorry for the late update

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