Week One, Day One

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Dear diary,

I'm not one much for writing but, I feel like this would be an excellent time to start. I always had a thing for writing, but I could never stick to it, always something popping up. I end up forgetting what I am doing or just losing motivation to write anything and be productive.

But today feels like a good time to start.

Today started great but ending when tragedy.

Today the sun was shining, and the grass was green, but everything now seems so grey and pail.

Because Today, I coughed up my first petal.

Pink and covered with blood, that's what it looked like. My throat felt like it was on fire with all the coughing I did. Everyone was looking at me. The place was silent when the petal touched the floor when everyone could get a look at the bloody thing.

I was at Starbucks, talking to the barista who was setting down my drink. It was my favorite, caramel crunch frappuccino, with wiped cream on top. When I picked it, about to take a sip. I coughed three times is when it took to get that thing out. And well everyone could see it, and everyone knew that I had,

The Hanahaki disease.

Hanaki disease:

Hanahaki Disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal through weeks 4-7. Still, when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear. Hanahaki Disease is a painful, slow disease that often develops over months, if not years. It begins with coughing up a few petals and grows in intensity and pain until the victim coughs up entire flowers. At this point, the disease has reached its final stages. If not treated, the condition is fatal after 8 weeks.

I didn't think it was real. I didn't believe the cases that sometimes appear on the news. I thought It was one big joke. I felt that the 25 people that die a day to it was just a lie. But those were real people with a natural feeling. And those feeling is what caused them to be too scared to lose their feelings for there beloved to undergo the life-saving surgery. If it were real, then everyone would get the surgery since, after all there just feeling! Those feeling are only real to them and no one else.

But now, since I am standing in their shoes inside a Starbucks with everyone staring at me,

I understand why

Why they couldn't just get rid of them.

Day 1 of 56.

I'll write soon

- George.

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