Ch. 12 Late Night and Morning Test

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(I corrected and added small details on the pervious chapter, you don't have to read because I will mention it again.... Enjoy chapter 12👇)

I was tossing and turning in my bed at the thoughts of what happened in Zayn's room.
Why the hell did I let him kiss me? But most importantly why the hell did I kiss him back?

I get out of the bed and start pacing, I'm too mad at myself to sleep and an empty stomach doesn't help neither. I look around the dark room and I realize just how empty it is. There is no dresser, no night stand, no decorations on the walls, no nothing. In fact if it wasn't for the bed I wouldn't have even knew it was a guest bed.

The only lighting in the room is the natural light from the window and that is barely anything since it is currently dark outside. I sigh as my stomach growl for the eighth time.

Having enough of my stomach reminding me of the fact that I didn't eat all day, I opened the door to my room to see the eerie dark hall. I look both ways making sure Zayn was still in his room. When I didn't hear anything I crept down the stairs slowly making sure the stairs didn't creek.

As I'm on my last steps I realize that the stairs is only a few steps.... It felt so long when Zayn was pulling me up them. A cold chill runs down my back and my arms at the thought of him. I waste no time in stumbling in the kitchen, I flick on the light and gasp.

Zayn being the weird man that he is stares straight at me, he doesn't blink even when I shrieked. "What are you doing siting in the dark?" I shout my hand checking my heart beat.

"I couldn't sleep, what are you doing up?" He asked calmly, he quints his eyes at me. He is too calm almost as if nothing didn't happen an hour ago.

"I-I was hungry." I point to the fridge. He nods slowly still staring at me.

"Go ahead, then... There isn't much to eat." He nods towards the kitchen, but I stay still.

"You scared me earlier." I confess to him.

"I scare a lot of people, Sage." He replied shortly. I notice the half empty bottle of jack Daniels next to him but no cup.

"Why me though." I decided to bravely ask him. "I didn't do anything to you, yet you took your anger out on me."

"I didn't take my anger out on you.... What I did to you I did because you need to know who you belong to... And that's me and only me." He spoke smoothly, his calm and luring voice making it seem almost as if it's nothing wrong with his possessiveness.

"I don't belong to you." I mumble quietly at him.

Zayn takes a large gulp of the dark liquor before replying.

"Your defiance to me just makes me want to prove you even more wrong." He licks his wet bottom lip slowly as if he wants to tease his own lip.

"I'm not being defiant, I just won't break my back sideways just to please you, like everyone else would.... So when I don't comply to you it isn't because I'm trying to be difficult it's simply because I am my own person-and you don't own me."

"I own the city.... So that does mean I own you too. Your life and the ones you love are dangling in my hands... I decide if you or them are worth living or one else, so if that doesn't show you my ownership over you, Then you need to wake up." He spoke with authority. He stands up and walks towards me. Instantly I take two steps back from him, I would have taken more spaces away from him but the damn wall stopped me.

He chuckles as he realize that I have no where else to go. He stands proudly in front of me, my chin barely reaches up to his shoulders. I can just feel him taking in my small frame as he looks down on me. He brush my hair behind my ear. His long fingers run its way down my neck to my collar bone. My body betrays me again as it gives into his addictive touches.

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