(Inkling) 7

26 1 0

It was probably a better idea to not move. The octolings brung you to a door which automatically opened to show a- a telephone which had been made into a robot. It also had a tentacle that was identical to the octolings' hair colour and some kind of goo coming down the side. He (or it) gestured for you to sit. There was no point, as the octolings had already forced you down and bound your legs and arms. "So we're going to have a talk. Or, more like, you're going to choose your fate. Give me information about Inkopolis and The Squidbeak Splatoon. If you say no, you'll either be sanitised or killed. Your choice." 

Do you...

Don't say anything (Go to page 11)

Spill the beans (Go to page 12)

Try to free yourself (Go to page 3)

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