Chapter 2: The ceremony

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It was almost 10:00 when they arrived at the square where the ceremony was going to be held. A lot of people were standing and sitting on the square, not every day a princess was going to be sorted into a colour. Avery could see that Emilys hands were shaking, Avery was also extremely nervous on the day she was being sorted. The first few months after the ceremony were the best months of Averys whole life, lots of presents, balls, handsome young men, dresses, and important people coming to you from all over Athena. Avery always felt so lucky to have 6 siblings, that meant the world to her. Without Oliver she would not have survived her ceremony, she was so nervous that she almost fainted while she was being sorted. He told her to only look at him or mom or dad, to just forget all the other people watching. What if there is no colour for me? What if I do not have a colour? What if I am a mistake in the system? said Emily extremely nervous. Sweetie, you will have a colour like everyone else, and if you dont you will be the first one in a lot of years. But you will always be my daughter and I will always love you the same or more than I do now. Said my mother very softly to Emily. Dont worry about it, after today a lot of fun things are going to happen, balls and beautiful dresses. Everly, which colour would fit the best with my eyes and hair? asked Emily while she stared at all the people on the square. I think that all colours would look divine on you! said Everly. Everly had always been the kindest of the seven children she could always be nice and kind even when she hated the person. Avery always thought she would be a great queen, she might become a queen, we will see. Emily Elizabeth Evanna Griffin! the woman on the stage shouted. Please step out of the royal carriage and let the sorting begin! Oliver opened the door of the carriage and held the door open for Emily after Emily stepped out, he closed the door, and the rest of the carriage rode away from the square. It was a tradition that only the oldest sibling walked with the person who was going to be sorted walked with this person. Oliver had to go all alone, he was so scared that he almost pooped his pants. When he got orange, his face looked so relieved, so relieved Avery had never seen before. After that she had never looked at him the same, he always looked so tense. He looked like if you used one wrong word, he could slap you in the face or even electrify you.

The family stepped out of carriage and sat down on the first row of the grandstand.

Repeat after me the woman on the square said to Emily. I, Emily Elizabeth Evanna Griffin of Athena, promise to always fulfill my duties. I, Emily Elizabeth Evanna Griffin of Athena, promise to always fulfill my duties. Emily repeated. To help make Athena a better place for all citizens, no matter what my colour fraction is. The woman continued. To help make Athena a better place for all citizens, no matter what my colour fraction is. Emily repeated, this time more clearly. Now you can step forward and eat one leave of the tree of life. Said the woman. Emily stepped forward like the woman had told her to and walked to al leaf exactly at eye height from the tree and put it in her mouth. Her long, beautiful blond hair flew into the air and when it fell down it was braided, and a beautiful floral wreath fell out of the tree perfectly on her head. The colour of the flowers of the wreath would determine the colour fraction you were in. Emily Elizabeth Evanna Griffin of Athena, the tree of life has decided and your colour fraction is pink! The woman said happily. What did she say? mother said shocked but soft. Pink said father. but that issaid mother. ...Impossible said Avery and Everly at the exact same moment. Avery Anastasia and Everly Elonora, come with me right now. Said father. Cordelia stay here with the other children. Father only used their first and second name if he was really mad or if there was something very serious. Father stood up and walked back to the carriage, Avery and Everly walked close behind him without asking any questions. Back to the castle! shouted father at the coachman. Come step into the carriage, I need your help. Avery and Everly obliged and stepped into the carriage, before Everly could close the door of the carriage, it was already moving towards the castle. What are we going to do, father? Avery asked father politely, to not make him stressed or upset. I want you to do exactly as I ask you to, whatever I say. So if I tell you to run, you run. Avery and Everly both nodded and father continued. When we arrive at the castle, I dont want you to say anything to anybody. Not to the paparazzi, not to the cooks, not to the maids, not even to a mouse or a flower. I will take the large entrance stairs, Avery you will take the stairs down to the kitchen and from there the other stairs to the hallway to the west wing, Everly you will go to the east wing and take the ladder in the greenhouse and walk through the hallway to the west wing where you will meet Avery. Avery and Everly looked at the same time to each other and gave father a small subtle nod to show him that they understood. We will all walk different ways to confuse the staff and paparazzi, but dont make it too obvious that we are up to something. You will meet each other in front of the painting of your mother and I, from there you will walk together to the painting with your grandparents in a library. You know where that is, right? I am not completely sure where it is, but I know that Avery does know it. It is her favorite painting. Said Everly. Good, it is my favorite painting too. You will meet me by the painting, and I will tell you what to do when we get there. Father said. But always remember; do exactly as I tell you, how weird, scary, dangerous or amazing it is. You understand? Yes, we will do exactly as you say. Said both girls at the same time, they often said things at the same time or finished each others sentences. We will be there in a minute, we will walk together inside and immediately as the door open we split ways. So Avery what will you do when we go inside? father asked. I will take the stairs down to the kitchen, in the kitchen I will take the stairs up to the west wing hallway and I will walk to the painting of you and mother and wait there for Everly. Answered Avery. Perfect! That is exactly what I want you to do. After Avery answered father also asked Everly what way she was going to go, she answered perfectly and assured them that almost nothing could go wrong.

The moment they arrived at the castle, father stepped out of the carriage and held the door open for Avery and Everly. Father walked very fast, way faster than he normally did. The coachman didnt even had the time to open the door for him. Black cars with cameramen and journalists were standing next to the door and surrounded the castle. Send them away! shouted father to one of the staff standing in the open hall. See you at the library painting he whispered to the girls who just came running through the door. He walked to the grand stairs and gave Everly and Avery a quick smile. Avery ran to the door at the back of the open hall, through the lower west wing hallway into the kitchen. She took the stairs at the back of the kitchen, ran upstairs and ran through the west wing hallway. Next to the doors to the balcony was the painting of the royal family of Artemis and on the other side hung the painting they were looking for, the painting of their grandparents in a library. Now we have to wait. Said Everly. What do you think that he wants us to do?. I really have no idea, it could be anything. I do think that he wants us to do something special. But you never know. Avery answered. There he is. Their father came running to them with a key in his hand. He grabbed the side of the painting and pulled it open like a door. Avery and Everly looked at him with a oblivious look in their eyes. Why did I never know that? Avery whispered to Everly. Because I did a good job at hiding it. Answered father. Behind the painting was a door, it looked like it was made of steel or iron. Father put the key in the lock and to door automatically opened. Avery pushed Everly a little bit to the side so she could see the door and whatever was behind it better. Welcome in the secret library of Athena. Said father. Every royal family has one, in the library all important book of the past and present are in there. It is supposed to be a secret to everybody except the king and queen. If you tell anybody without a good reason, you can be suspended from the throne. So dont tell this to anybody, not even to the rest. I am now trusting you two and I hope I can trust and rely on you when needed. You can always trust us, we will always be here to help you when needed and we wont tell anybody. Said Avery and Everly like they had rehearsed the sentences a lot of times.

They are traitors! shouted a man loud. She cant be their daughter! How can you ever do that to your country? shouted a woman. Are the other children their own or was that just pure dumb luck! She must be adopted! Lots of people shouted at the same time. People started to stare at the royal family and shouted words that Avery knew she couldnt say. Emily looked with frightened eyes to her mother. She could start to cry every moment. Emily saw her dad, Avery and Everly stand up and walk away. She looked one more time at her brother who was standing a few meters away from her. She started to run, she hadnt decided where she was going to go yet. Somewhere a long way from their family, friends, any human, a place nobody knew her or could even find her. She ran through the path she also walked up to the stage, where the carriage had stood. A guard tried to grab her hand, she made a fist of her hand and hooked the guard down to the guard. Emily looked up right into the eyes of another guard, he looked surprised but mainly scared. Someone grab her! he ordered to some other guards, but none of them were brave enough to even try. They had just seen a 7-year-old girl knock out a full grown man, who trained years to become as masculine as he was. Emily felt the adrenaline spread through her body, she was ready to win this fight. Against whoever she had to fight to get away. She ran into the forest, twigs and branches scratched her ankles and arms. One twig made a painful scratch on her forehead, blood streamed into her eye. Emily wanted to stop running but she knew couldnt people would take her back to her family. And that was the last thing she wanted. It must have been around 5 p.m. because the sun was already setting and the forest look beautiful with the orange evening sun but it was scary. All alone, she started crying and let all her feelings out. She was exhausted, angry, betrayed and still didnt know how she had been able to knock out the guard and how she had been able to escape without the guards to stop her. She slowly walked around and tried to realize what she had done. The moss under her bare feet was soft and looked like a good place to sleep for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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