Chihiro X Mondo

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I'm sorry WHAT

I'm sorry, but 1. I hate Chihiro, and 2. They're basically brothers in my eyes. Also I don't like killer x victim ships (except for like, 2 ships) at all- soooo

And the fandom really loves to feminize Chihiro with this ship, which is like, did you even play the game? HE'S MORE OF A MAN THAN SOME CHARACTERS-

It just makes me uncomfortable, I feel like Chihiro sees Mondo basically like an actual brother, not in a romantic way. I don't think Chihiro would want a relationship like that with anyone tbh, idk I just can't see him with anyone romantically.

Also Mondo was jealous of him and literally killed him, soooo how would this relationship work- I know he did it cuz he was freaking out about Daiya but still, I don't think he would've killed anyone else (except like, Naegi or Togami maybe)

Also like, stan Ishimondo lol

So yeah, uhh no Chimondo or any Chihiro ships for me please, like, ever, burn it alive

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