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*before i start this chapter i posted a tiktok video with maneskin's sound it would mean the world to me if y'all checked it out my username is: wyzfxxx thank you very much <333 *

Ethan: bella look at me bella please look at me

I couldn't talk, cry or do anything in general. I was just standing there staring at one thing and thinking about everything that has happened between Damiano and i, that day in that house, our kiss on stage and most importantly the fact that he asked me to be his girlfriend
Lost in my thoughts, the only thing i remember is Ethan taking my hand and rushing outside to help me get out of the situation.. My heart hurt so bad i would never imagine that a human can actually feel heartbreak, i had this chest pain that wouldn't go away even after we went outside it wouldn't go away. Even after breathing in fresh would not go away.

Ethan: bella please say something.

Bella: how could he.

—— Ethans pov ———-

It kills me, watching her like this kills me, destroys me, shatters my heart. The moment i picked that phone up my heart stoped beating for a second, at least thats what it felt like. I have known Damiano for years now, watched him get with thousands of girls but forget about them the next day but with her..with bella he was different. Every day we were practicing he wouldn't shut up about how he missed her, how beautiful she was, at that time it played on my nerves and i wished he would shut up because clearly i didn't like when another man talked about the girl that i love that way but there is one thing that i knew..he was deeply in love with her. i have the same question as bella, How could he do this to her, part of me was a little bit happy at first..i thought hey finally Ethan you have a chance with her but i would never take advantage of this situation..i am not that kind of person..i am not a monster.

Ethan: lets go home okay? take my hand

bella: but you are drunk you can't drive

Ethan: you are right wait here i will get a taxi

I could see that Bella was powerless, as soon as we got inside the car in the backseat she fell asleep on my shoulder while her tears were wetting my shirt..
We finally arrived to the hotel, i heard some noise thinking it was my phone calling but it was actually Bella's, Anthony was calling i knew i had to lie.

Ethan: hey Anthony this is Ethan

Anthony: Ethan?..hello how are you!

Ethan: great great..what about you how are you feeling

Anthony: good thanks for asking but where is Bella? is she okay?!

Ethan: oh yes yes she's great but her and Victoria fell asleep in another room so she left her phone here

Anthony: oh okay and i thought something happened! okay then Ethan goodbye and thank you!

Ethan: oh no problem, i will go now bye

woh that was hard since i don't even like to talk not to mention lying.
I tried waking her up but then i thought maybe its even better if she's a sleep, maybe she forgot about her pain, everything she saw and is having a good dream where her heart didn't get shattered into a thousand pieces, i think dreams are a great way to forget about and run away from our thoughts, pain that we think and stress about all day long, i love dreams but don't we all?
I picked bella up with my arms and went inside, after trying to find the keys to her room but giving up i took her to my room.
After i put her down gently on my bed, i decided to lay beside her. God she is so beautiful awake but even more beautiful when she's asleep..a piece of hair fell down on her face so i tucked it behind her ear..i couldn't resist gently touching her face with my fingers,

i am looking at her and thinking was that marzia worth it Damiano? was she really worth loosing a girl like bella?

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i am looking at her and thinking was that marzia worth it Damiano? was she really worth loosing a girl like bella?..what a fucking bastard you are.
slowly she started waking up..

Bella: hey..

Ethan: hello beautiful

Bella: was i asleep for a long time?

Ethan: no no how are you feeling

Bella: i don't know Ethan.. i really don't know.

Ethan: please don't get mad at me Bella but i think you should talk to him..Marzia is your enemy, she sent that photo to make you jealous which she clearly accomplished but who knows what really happened behind that picture..

Bella: i don't want to see his face at all not to mention listening to him

Ethan: okay as you wish

Bella: god i am so tired..oh shit my dad! i need to call him

Ethan: oh don't worry about that he called and i said you and vic fell asleep in another room

Bella: thank god you exist Edgar thank you for everything, if only you weren't there..

Ethan: shh don't worry about that you don't have to thank me at all

Bella: can i stay here tonight? i don't have enough energy to go to my room

Ethan: yes of course

Bella: i will go to the bathroom you can go to sleep

Ethan: okay if something wake me up okay?

Bella: mhm okay..but wait

Ethan: what happened are you okay?

She slowly leaned closer to me and kissed me gently on the lips.. i couldn't believe. am i asleep? am i dreaming?

Bella: Ethan i am sorry..

Ethan: for what bella

Bella: for choosing him not you.

Bella said that and went inside the bathroom, while i still was in shock but to be honest happy.

Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now