Shifting into Old Hollywood

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Hello everyone, my name is Lola and this is my journey trying this new experience (for me) called Shifting.
I am a very spiritual person, I believe in manifestation and I've applied it to my everyday life, it has worked wonders, and I mention this because I know shifting has to do a lot with believing in it, so this is also for those who can't find a way to believe in it therefore won't allow themselves to shift (or manifest) because of this.

For those who don't know what shifting is, it's basically moving your consciousness to a different reality, to one of many realities in the universe called your Desired Reality.

Shifting is NOT lucid dreaming!!
In a lucid dream, you are aware it's a dream, and can control it, the actions of other people around you, the place, the time, even if you can fly or breathe underwater, but shifting has nothing to do with it, when you shift, you are awake, it is NOT a dream, you can NOT control other people's actions as they are REAL PEOPLE, so make sure you don't hurt or kill anyone because they are very real. You have all your senses, you can touch, you can smell, you can see and you can taste.
You can decide your appearance and everyone else's while shifting but not once shifted, again, it's not a dream, you can decide the place, the season, the time period, the relationships you want to have with whoever you want, all this while shifting but not once shifted. I am sure you can find much more information like this on the internet, I will eventually make a chapter with links and people who've helped me learn about shifting.

Anyways, I've read a bunch of shifting story times and experiences and they're all mostly about shifting into the Harry Potter world (Hogwarts) which I want to do eventually, but this will be mostly centered around shifting into Old Hollywood as I haven't seen anything about this, and I wish I could read someone's experience shifting into Old Hollywood so I could try and relate, so here it is, this is for everyone who has trouble believing, I'll try and make you believe, and for everyone who wants to shift into Old Hollywood and can't find anything about it on the internet.

I've tried shifting about 3 or 4 times, but haven't YET. Again, this can happen, don't give up after just a few tries, you can do it!

I tried last night but fell asleep, I'll try today as well with an ASMR shifting meditation video I found last night, unfortunately I couldn't pay attention to it last night because I fell asleep, but hopefully today I'll be able to pay attention and concentrate and finally shift into Old Hollywood! So wish me luck! Good night everyone!

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