Shifting tips i've learned

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These are some shifting tips I've learned these past few days I've gotten interested in the subject and also a few links to videos and a few people (Instagram accounts) who've helped me with it, again, I am NOT a shifter yet so if you want to give me any tips and tricks everyone and everything is welcome.

-Try to believe in it at heart, meaning, try having no doubts about it or any negative thoughts about it, this will help you concentrate and most likely help you shift.
-If you have a hard time picturing your DR (desired reality) try and listen to some ambient music or watch some ambient videos before going to sleep (videos about your desired reality, music of your desired reality or maybe a time period).
-Don't be extremely tired while trying to shift, being too tired can make you fall asleep too fast and it will be hard for you to shift, not impossible, but harder, as you need some time to concentrate and disconnect your mind from your body.
-Repeat positive affirmations. Repeating positive affirmations can help you believe in it and have a positive state of mind, things like "I am in my desired reality" can be very helpful and these are used in many methods.
-Don't give up. Shifting is simple but it's simplicity can be hard to achieve, I've read and heard that once you've shifted, it really is as easy as breathing or blinking, keep a positive state of mind, and keep on trying and discovering different ways and methods, every mind works differently and each one of us must find our perfect method or way to shift, there is no "correct" or "exact" way of shifting.
-Try not to move, find a comfortable position (or use the star shape method) and try to stay in it, after all we are trying to get our current body to fall asleep so our mind can travel to our DR's (desired reality) body.
-Scripting your Desired Reality. Scripting how you'll arrive and who will be there and how will you look etc.. can help you re assure it to your own mind, many people do this but it is not obligatory.

Methods I've learned:
The Julia Method:
This method consists on a few steps:
Keep in mind this is not the star shape method, you can be in a comfortable position, and remember not to move after step 1.
1. Meditate for about 5 to 10 minutes to get relaxed.
2. Listen to subliminals or vibration waves, such as Theta waves, Lambda waves and Epsilon waves.
3. Count from 0 to 100 or from 100 to 0 and after each number say a positive affirmation.
4. Affirm to shift.
5. Visualize your DR and try to feel it.

For more information about this Method, here's the link to a better and more extended explanation:
(Copy and paste it)

The Raven Method:
This method consist on laying in a starfish/star shape position (none of your limbs touching each other) and counting from 0 to 100 and repeating positive affirmations between numbers.
Remember trying not to move and concentrate.

Videos I've watched about shifting that have helped me:
Copy and paste

Is shifting real?:

How to shift realities:

Epsilon waves:

Ten minute meditation:

Thankfully I've had the luck to talk to a person that shifts constantly and they answered a few questions that I think you might have too:

What happens to your Current Reality's body/self while you're in your DR?
Well for what i understood (correct me if I'm wrong) your current reality self and your desired reality one, are clones (mentally) so while you're gone in your desired reality, your current reality self would keep on living as you would because it's your clone, you do not stay asleep all that time, remember, it's only your consciousness that's away.

For how long can you leave and is it the same In your current reality?
You can leave for as long as you wish to, you can leave for a week to a month to a year, and yes, it will feel like it. Meanwhile in your current reality, you can scrip or decide how long a week will be in your desired reality as your current reality's time, for example: two years in your desired reality, could be 5 days in your current reality if you script/want it.
3 days in your DR could be 3 hours in your CR and so on.

Can you get stuck in your DR?

How do you come back to your CR?
Some shifters script a "key word" to come back, such as "pineapple" or something like that, just a safe word.
But I believe you can come back as you go in, falling asleep and waking up in your CR.

What do you feel while shifting? Or how do you know you are shifting?
She told me she felt her body float and she could feel her surroundings change, she also told me she could sometimes hear voices of people in her DR or even feel the touch of them.
Me, the first time I tried shifting i almost succeeded but I didn't because I got scared and opened my eyes, but I do remember feeling my surroundings spinning and I felt such a weird sensation on my body (not floating) .

These questions were answered by @pleasethiswoman on Instagram<3

Is shifting against my religion?
NO! Shifting has nothing to do with religion or any kind of "evil" connection, this is purely and absolutely connected to your mind and your mind only.

Well this is it for this chapter I guess, if you have any other tips or links or if I mistook anything, please do tell me about it.

Goodbye and good luck!

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