Local Brewery

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Local brewery:

Brew a potion

Niki twirled absently in her little tank that Tubbo had rigged up for her, her hair tassels almost billowing around her fins like a halo. The tank had a pump that connected to Hex lake, ensuring Niki constantly had supply to oxygenated water when the lakers wanted to hang out inside the house. It was also made entirely of glass, though it sat propped against one wall for balance.

Light streamed through an open window, and Wilbur was sat well away from its beams as he, Niki, and the others were discussing the plans for a community build to build adjacent to the lagoon.

"Guys. We should build a pub."

"Will, I'm not even sure everyone here can drink-"
"Hell yeah-!"
"Oh that's a good idea, we could rig up some local brewery-"
"I don't think that's the best thing to chose Wilbur-"

Wilbur, of course, was being very chaotic this light. He had somehow got his hands on a cookie (made with the sugar cane Niki had found growing around her lagoon, and the makeshift farm Tommy had started that was just beginning to yield crops) and he had been hyper all morning. Apparently it was a phantom thing to get sugar rushes super easily, but Niki just hoped he'd calm down soon, because apparently a hyperactive Wilbur resulted in building pubs in a community with three minors and only three adults.

Unfortunately the idea seemed to catch on with Jack, Tommy, and Tubbo - two of whom weren't even old enough to have alcohol!

"Let's call it the pube!" Tommy announced, sending Tubbo into fits of giggles and for Wilbur and Jack to snort. The ghost of a smirk tugged at Philza's mouth, but Niki knew he was trying to be The Responsible One right now and laughing at that kind of joke wouldn't do good for his image of maturity.

"We are not calling it the pube Tommy," Niki input, giving the older man a chance to compose himself.

"Wait but it would be funny!" Jack countered, "And its not like we have to be professional or anything: who's there to impress?"

Oh not Jack too! How were Niki and Phil supposed to wrangle this conversation alone?

Actually, Ranboo was being particularly quiet throughout this whole thing, and Niki reached for a lifeline."Well what do you think Ranboo?"

Ranboo shuffled in his seat, seemingly torn between answers. He may have been about to agree with Niki, but a tug on the enderian's sleeve from a certain shulk swayed him to stay neutral. "I uh- I don't know? What other names do you think Niki? Maybe we could uh- we could have a vote."

"Ranboob. You are the bane of my life."

Philza smacked Tommy on the back of the head lightly, and the teen gave an indignant squawk of protest as his wings fluttered.

"Don't bully Ranboo you little shit."

"But he deserved it!"

Wilbur laughed again.

"Will! Don't fuckin' encourage him mate!"

The conversation devolved into an unsolvable surplus of chaos, and it amused Niki to see Tubbo struggling to decide whether he wanted to join in with Tommy's ribbing, or defend the enderian he'd come to see as a close friend. Jack easily started antagonising Tommy - perhaps in Ranboo's defence - while Wilbur sat back to revel in the chaos he had created.

Niki smiled warmly at the domestic feel of the house. It was a warm, happy feeling that made her heart swell with a semblance of something close to... well, close to home.

The light that Wilbur and Tommy arrived at her lagoon may have been one of the best coincidences of Niki's life. She had been so lonely for so long... Then to be suddenly thrust into a group of people she hardly knew? That took some work. But the work was worth it to have friends like these.

The havoc subsided, leaving the two winged lakers with very bristled feathers, but there was a smile playing across everyone's lips as they began to discuss how to divide the workload of building a whole pub between them.

Apparently, The Pube was going to be it's official name unless something else caught on fast.

Nothing did.

Wilbur, now seeming more serious sans the manic grin on his face, clapped his hands together. "So. Let's divy up the jobs shall we?"

Jack and Tommy were to collect wood for the main build. They already had stone for building and for making tools from Tubbo and Phil's mining trip, but perhaps they'd need a bit more to build the entire thing. That could be dealt with later.

Ranboo and Tubbo were to work on accessibility, seeing as Tubbo was practically a genius at gadgets and the like. In fact, they were planning on using something called a 'stabiliser' to help the pub float or something. Niki didn't understand much about how that worked, because she was more concerned why Ranboo had been chosen to help Tubbo rig up the water pump that would supply Niki's 'air'.

Wilbur explained that, apart from Tommy, Ranboo was probably the only one who understood Tubbo's rants as he worked and despite Ranboo's 'water allergy', he was still the best laker for the job.

Niki was at a bit of a loss when it came to jobs, as most of the time she was confined to her lagoon or tank. In the lagoon, however, there were many flooded caves that could have interesting tidbits or materials. And when it was raining Niki could join the rest of the lakes and help with construction.

"With all the stuff we're doing around here..." Tubbo mused, "I just hope scientists don't start noticing us or anything-"

Niki frowned and echoed, "Scientists?"

"Yeah. That's just another name for humans right?"

"I don't- i don't think so. Maybe?" Philza chimed in.

"That's alright Tubbo, you get words mixed up sometimes yeah?"

Tubbo smiled at Tommy gratefully, "Yeah I suppose so." He shook his head, seemingly disposing of the thought.

"Come on gang, let's go build this Pube!"

They never did decide whether Tubbo was right or not.

1059 words

Very short chapter today, but I promise some new people will be introduced very soon!!! How do you feel about that, fellow scientists?

Sincerely, the big bog toad

Unknown Origins [discontinued] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora