Forbidden Love

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No one had ever really seen her.

She was just... there. Cathi Villon, the soldier. She and her regiment had now begun their trek across, well, no one really knows where they're headed.

Night had begun to fall, my limbs were sore from the day's travel. Our captain, Sir Fein, had dragged us from the camp early, starting us on our seemingly infinite trek. Now as I lay on the ground in my tent I hear someone "Hey, Psst! Cathi! "I hear rustling from outside of my tent and a dark shadow passes over the thin cloth of my tent. "Fax! "I hissed at the shadow. The thin cloth slowly pulls back and the dark shadow begins to crawl into the small space. The light from the fire streams into the tent and a mischievous face appears through the darkness. "Hey Princess", his smirk makes my cheeks heat up. "Idiot", grumbling, I swat at him. "You could've been caught this time", I hissed, yet his smirk stays planted on his face. "Oh, is Cathi worried about me?". I cant keep the smile off my face as I respond, "Shut up". For a moment we both stare at each other. He reaches his hand up and softly grabs my chin, our bodies already gravitating toward one another. "You knew I wouldn't be able to stay away", his mocking smirk is the last thing I see as he closes the distance between our lips. His kisses are soft and sincere, he knows how fragile this love is, if anybody found out we would be kicked out, left to fend for ourselves. Yet, the uncertainty and danger makes the love even more exhilarating. Finally our lips part and as much as I wanted this perfect little moment to last, we can't risk any longer. "You really shouldn't have come though", I fidget, as much as we both want this the consequences are too great. He sits up straighter and his face steels into a mask of calm. All the mocking and playful tone leaves his face, and voice as he says, "I have news", for once he seems serious. I'm suddenly worried, it's not like him, yet he pushes on. "Cathi, we both wondered why we were called so suddenly. I figured out why ," he stops tearing a hand through his hair,  then takes a deep breath, "The king called upon every regiment in the second-hand army." I freeze, Fax risks a glance at me and continues as rigid as ever. He continues with a soft voice, serious yet gentle, "They suspect a... traitor".

Shorts because I cant stick to one story ideaWhere stories live. Discover now