Secrets of the Night

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Chapter 1

     Autumn is here, finally. After sweating through another blazing summer, I can't even describe how welcome these chilly breezes are that sweep down the dark alleys as I make my way through the city. It's time to get back to work, I need to make enough money in case we have a snowy winter - hard to hide prints when there's snow blanketing the grounds.

     Anyway, it's a nice night, in case that wasn't clear. I love nights like these. Hell, I love night in general, always have. The city is almost dead, and I prowl upon it as if it belongs to me entirely. Because in a way, it does. Everything here is mine for the taking. And I take a lot. It's quiet, nothing but the sound of a few leaves rustling, a car passing in the distance. The crickets have gone silent. The stray cats are nothing more than shadows moving throughout the darkened landscape. Just like me.

     There's an art to my craft. A romantic view, you could say. It may seem silly to those who don't understand it, but I live it, as I always have. To hone my skills, to know my abilities. Knowing is most important. Knowing what is safe, what isn't, what I can do, what I can't. That's how you keep from getting caught. That's how you make a living.

     I cut through a few yards and across the street. Don't want to be out in the open any longer than I have to. I'm head to toe in black clothing, but the eye detects movement. Don't want to draw any attention to myself. I'm just another shadow in the night, no one needs to pay me any mind.

     The house is just up ahead. Nice place, nice folks living there, I'm sure. Yeah, right. Could be the case, doesn't really matter to me. I don't pretend that what I do is for a noble cause. I don't pretend that it's okay. The fact is, I'm just really good at it. Been doing it ever since I was a small boy. And I love doing it. Besides, I've got rent to pay. And I've never been one to hold a steady job. No, this is my calling, for better or worse. It is what I am, what I was born to do. But I'm not too cocky to believe that tonight couldn't possibly be my last one. Overconfidence is what gets guys like myself locked up or shot, so I'm gonna avoid that tonight.

     Walking down another stone alley now. Going in through the back, basement window makes it easy. The moon's shining a bit, but there's enough cloud cover to keep things relatively dark. I pull a small pry bar from my belt and have at it, quietly budging the window open, gently forcing it ajar. Byron swore up and down that he knew they didn't have a dog. Checked yesterday, just to make sure. Didn't see any signs of one, but you never can tell. About the only animals that you have to worry about. Well, dogs and birds. Never understood people who kept either, but to each their own I guess. I'm in through the window, basement is small, can't hardly see a thing. My eyes adjust quickly though, some creaky steps get me up to an unlocked door. Tried my best to stay silent, barely made a sound. Door's open and I'm in the kitchen.

     This city isn't what it used to be. Gotta watch for others now, too. Used to be an unspoken code. Honor among thieves, is it? Was never big on any of that, but when we start killing each other over the spoils, well, then we lose the art. Killing isn't part of the deal, never was. Not a fan of fighting, either. Only been in a few scraps, didn't start 'em, but I had to finish them if I wanted to keep my life. Try not to let it happen again.

     No, the perfect art form, a whisper upon the night air. The only trace that you ever existed being that the prize which you sought is no longer where it once was. Everything else - perfect - spotless. As if nothing ever happened. The treasure simply.. disappeared. That's what I strive for. Nothing but a ghost, I don't even really exist.

     I head up the stairs. Looking for a necklace, that's what Byron wanted. Can't even remember what all was in it - diamonds, sapphires, rubies.. wait, yeah that was it, a ruby necklace. Always been a fan, I love the way the red glimmers in the soft light. But I know that I'll know it when I see it. Wasn't too concerned over the details with this one, it's an easy job, nothing complicated unless I make it complicated. Which I won't.

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