Chapter 3

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Lunch came and went pretty quickly. Niall kept quiet most the time, only ever spoke when he was asked a direct question. The boys didn't push anything, and he was glad.

He learned a lot about the boys in the quick hour. They had been friends for about seven years. Louis was the captain of the football team, Harry was in all the school plays, Liam was a boxer, and Zayn was an artist. 

Niall told them he was from Ireland and could play guitar. The boys said they should make a band seeing how they could all sing and Niall could play. Niall laughed along, but deep down thought nothing of it. Life didn't work that way, not for him at least. 


As Niall stood to leave lunch and head to his third class a hand was brought down on his shoulder. Niall flinched violently and pulled away. 

"Woah woah calm down dude, just me, Liam, sorry dude," Liam said holding his hands up in defense.

Niall blushed, embarrassed and put his head down. "S-s-sorry."

"My fault. Listen, my parents aren't home this weekend, and its finally Friday, so head over to my place after school if you want. Me and the lads always have movie night," Liam said.

Niall nodded and left the group of boys. He shook the thought of hanging out at someone elses house out of his mind. His anxiety didn't need that right now. Glancing at his schedule Niall headed to biology. None of his new "friends" where in the class, which relieved Niall but also freaked him out. Shit was about to get real.




Typical Niall luck, something had to go wrong and Niall was late to class. He had took a wrong turn and gotten completely lost, which brought him to the present, where he is standing in the theater arts hall, with no idea how to get to biology.

The bell has already rung and shit, he is super late and lost and what if something happens and now he is spiraling. 

Niall could feel a panic attack coming on and tried his best to stay calm. Thankfully for him, being right next to the theater, Harry was in that class.



Harry was sitting in class and looked out the door seeing the small blonde. 

"Ugh Mr. Martin? Can I go to the bathroom please?" Harry asked, raising his hand. 

The teacher nodded and Harry dashed out of the classroom.

"Niall? Hey Niall what are you doing what's wrong?" Harry asked, approaching the small boy.

"Harry," Niall sighed in relief, still trying to fight off the panic. 

"You alright dude?" Harry asked, noticing the boy was struggling to breathe.

'Mmm Harry," Niall whined out. 

"Okay. Shit. You're alright come with me," Harry said, leading the small boy into the bathroom. 

Once in there, Niall sat up against the wall and hugged his knees to his chest.

"Niall you're okay you gotta breathe," Harry said.

Niall nodded and after awhile his lungs filled with air as he calmed down.

"Are you okay now?" Harry asked, setting a hand on Nialls shoulder.

"Yeah s-s-sorry," Niall said, dropping his head.

"It's alright. What triggered that?" Harry asked cautiously.

"So stupid," Niall said, standing up. "I got lost."

"It's aright, come on I'll walk you to class," Harry said. 

"Thanks Harry," Niall said, following the boy to biology, feeling like an idiot. 

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