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It began in the world of remnant where the story began

During the date March 5th in the year 2045 AG(After Grimm) that a team consisting of beacon academy students (J)aune Arc, (N)ora Valkyrie, (P)yrrah Nikos and Lie (R)en were given a mission on the outskirts of the city of vale a village had been having Grimm attacks for days and requested assistance.

You maybe wondering why are a group of first year huntsmen/huntresses-in-training on a mission like this it's quite simple their leader jaune arc's false transcripts had been outed by Cardin Winchester to the other students.

Luckily most didn't pay attention to them as they were just a formality and he had passed the initiation so he had proved himself worthy of his place.

While it did leave some tensions with their sister team RWBY they got over it relatively fast because half of them would be hypocrites it they judged him on just wanting to help people plus beacon was a school to help them learn to be warriors.

Unfortunately the deputy headmistress glynda goodwitch did not think the same and went behind headmaster ozpin's back to report the forgery causing a small rift to form between them however after a few days of talking even though she went behind his back and had lost a little respect for her they made up but not as they were.

Luckily after a few months the council finally got their heads out of their ass and came to a compromise even though they do not have the jurisdiction at beacon since it is not really run by the kingdom but by itself. It was decided that team Jnpr would go on a simple protection and extermination mission to see how well they would handle themselves under jaune's leadership and we're scheduled to ship out 3 months before the other teams winter than the normal scheduled mission.

It started off simply enough they met with the village chief vert Forest to see if he had any more information on what type of grimm they would be facing.

After getting the information on what they would be hunting it seems as though a small group of beowulfs with a single alpha were around the area they stayed for a few days but eventually managed to take it down unfortunately during the last day hunting take her across something worse.

After getting the information on what they would be hunting it seems as though a small group of beowulfs with a single alpha were around the area they stayed for a few days but eventually managed to take it down unfortunately during the last day h...

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Beringels 3 of them incredibly strong and agile ape like grimm normally not found in this region they weren't going to engage them and we're simply going to call backup unfortunately the grim had other plans.

Sensing them they attacked the students they were able to take down one and injure another unfortunately it cost them an injured Nora I did knocked out ren seen his teammates injured and would possibly die jaune decided to use himself as a distraction to give them enough time to escape unfortunately his partner did not want to but they had to of the grimm after them and if they did not either kill them or get any backup they would probably die and the grimm attack the village.

Reluctantly pyrrha and Nora carried ren are we while John did his destruction the grimm love this negativity but he thought of some of the worst experiences in his life he's suffering by the hands of cardin and his family's reluctant to train him it may not have been a lot but it was enough to get there attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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