🦖chapter 1 🦖

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It was a warm day at U.A and classes for the day had just ended. Everyone was on their way to their daily after-school activities everyone except for Denki of course. He was roaming the halls looking for someone to bother because as usual, he was bored. That's when he spotted someone in the science lab as he got closer to the classroom he noticed the person's dark purple hair and immediately knew who it could've been.

"Hey, Jirou!" Denki shouted as he jumped from behind her in an attempt at a surprise attack.

"kaminari get.. off.. of.. me" she gave the boy a quick glance with obvious annoyance written across her face

"r-right sorry," He says as he awkwardly adjusts himself before completely ignoring the signs that she indeed did not want to be bothered especially not by him "so what are you up to?"

shocked and slightly impressed by his ability to completely gloss over her very evident effort to shoo him away, she decided to actually engage in the conversation the boy was obviously trying to start." just listening to music" she says

"Ooo what we're you listening to rock, Classical, Smooth jazz?" He said teasingly

"Kaminari who the hell listens to classical what do I look like principal Nezu. she says with a slight snicker "why are you even here again? Actually, never mind you probably have nothing better to do as always right."

shocked and slightly offended by her
assumption, he stands up and raises a finger as if to declare something important "actually I-" he says before quickly falling into the realization that she was right "I- I don't" he says as he sits back down even closer to her this time with his face resting on his hand and a wide obnoxious smile spread across his face

" HA not surprising you never put that one brain cell of yours to use to do you," she says following with a faint laugh

"haha very funny," he says sarcastically "well don't you, MiSS JIROU have anything better to do than sitting here listening to your not classical music? Actually! scratch that we should do something hm? let's go do something. look at the sunlight wasting away we should go on an adventure."

"and you all of a sudden want to do this with me because?" surprised and a little intrigued she raises an eyebrow at Kaminari's proposal

They sat in silence while he pondered and stared at the ceiling for a short moment "hmmm why not?" He says looking down at her this time with an even bigger smile

"Because I'm not sure if this-" she motioned her hand back and forth in the air that separated the two "this combination will end well"

"combination?...end well?" the yellow-haired boy says in a very confused tone.

"tch don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Denki. When was the last time we hung out together?

"Just yester-

"Without the rest of our friends' dumb ass"

Denki's eyes widened with shock as he catches himself shouting "OH MY GOSH we've never really hung out with just the two of us!!! Well, we can now this is a perfect opportunity! Oh, what a bonding experience this will be! it'll be fun I promise" he says while looking at her with pleading eyes and the faintest strand of hope.

Successfully persuaded by Denki and his pleading expression that was so ugly she couldn't bear to see it any longer. Jirou finally gave in and agreed "Fine I'll hang out with you just please stop it, with that face whatever your trying to do it's pretty embarrassing"

surprised and so excited by her response he gave no thought to what she said about his face "No way for real! this is going to be so much fun HA"

The excitement in his voice caught Jirou off guard

"Come on let's go" he tugs on her shirt leading her out the doorway

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