Matt x (Gender Neutral) Reader.

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It was Monday morning and y/n had came into work. They wanted to buy some fire crackers so they went up to the prize corner where Matt was crouching behind the counter, clearly tired since his smile was exactly scary or happy.
"Sup virgin." Y/n said, peering over the corner down at Matt. Matt looked up at Y/n, standing up quite fast and slightly waving in response. "Do you want to look at some of my wares?" He asked, raising in eyebrow and his smile going back to his normal terrifying one. Y/n shivered at the act. "Uh yea, fire crackers to blow up the urinals."
Matt nodded and crouched back behind the counter, grabbing a bag of fire crackers. "Here you go." He placed them on the counter. "That'll be fifty token." Y/N dug through their pocket, only to find fourteen tokens. They sighed. "Fuck. Sorry Matt."
They looked up at Matt. "I only have fourteen." Y/n looked disappointed and sad, they rreeeaaally wanted to blow up the whole bathroom and probably drown a kid in the toilets. Matt's smile softened as he saw y/n's expression change. "Hm. You can have them for free." He slid the bag over to y/n. Their expression changed to excited but quickly changed to a confused look.
"Thanks but, don't you want at least SOME tokens?" They asked. Matt shook his head. "Nope." He shook his head, his terrifying smile faded into a more calmer one. Y/n was more than confused, a bit concerned at Matt's sudden mood swing. Y/n grabbed the bag full of fire crackers, still making eye contact with Matt. "Uh, thanks." They said as they raced towards the men's bathroom.
Dave as watching the whole thing go down. "What the fuck?" He said suddenly. Matt quickly changed his expression back to his terrifying smile. "You saw nothing, David." He calmly said. Dave shivered and nodded. "Yep Yep I saw absolutely nothing." He raced towards the saferoom. Soon, after ten minutes or so Matt heard one of the urinals blow up. He smiled. "Aren't they dreeeamy." Steven ended up walking by at the same time Matt said that. Steven stopped in his tracks and turned to Matt. "What." Matt jumped up, not realizing Steven was there. "W-what?" Matt replied, acting like he didn't say anything. Steven continued to stare at Matt. He eventually walked up to the prize corner. "Who's so dreamy?" Steven asked, basically demanding a response. Matt stood up straight and stuck his hands in his pockets. "What do you mean, boss?" Matt asked, keeping an act on. Y/N walked out of the bathroom after they had just finished blowing up two urinals and drowning a kid in a toilet. "What's going on over here?" Y/n asked. Matt gave Steven a death stare so he would shut up, but since Steven was his boss, he didn't. "Matt said-" Steven began but Matt cut him off. "Shut the hell up." He calmly said with his smile. Steven walked away since he began to feel uneasy around Matt. Y/n turned their head to Matt, looking very confused. "No seriousness, what happened?" They asked.
Matt shook his head. "Nothing. Now, go finish blowing up the urinals." His smile softened and he opened up his eyes. Y/n shivered and walked away to the bathrooms. "God. He is so fucking scary." Y/n mumbled before walking away.

Word count: 596
Note: I have no idea what I was doing.

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