The Castle

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After searching all day and night, I've found it. Right in front of me. The castle that my king and queen adore so. No one knows why. We don't question it. I am but a humble knight, after all. I started off to the castle's entrance, which was a large, open drawbridge. I could only hear the sounds of my armor clanking against itself, the whistling wind, and my heavy footsteps as I walked across the bridge and into the castle.
The castle did live up to the king and queen's words of praise. It was quite beautiful. A large chandelier, made up of crystals and candles, hung above a dazzling marble floor. Do castles usually have ballrooms as an entrance room? I have only ever stepped into two in my life.
I walk across the ballroom floor and through a door, which leaded to a cozy living room. A fireplace was attached, oddly, to the winding staircase that led to the second floor. In front of it were two large couches and a loveseat. A coffee table evenly stretched across the floor so anyone sitting on a  loveseat or couch could reach it. Books were piled onto the table. What struck to me very peculiar was that there was no dust on them. The king and queen were certain that no one lived here. Did someone find a home here?
Keeping a hand on my sword hilt, I walk up the stairs and look through each door of the castle. Some doors led to corridors and others led into larger parts of the castle. One had led to a quite large library with a candle still burning, the wick starting to melt. I know for certain someone has been here. They could be friendly or dangerous. I can't let my guard down.
I walk back downstairs and into a different room. That's when I smelled it. A nice soup was being made from the kitchen, making my stomach ache for food. I have barely eaten anything in a couple of days. I can't let my hunger get the better of me, though. I start to walk towards the kitchen, being as quiet as I can be. Before I can reach it to the door, a hand grasps my wrist, turning me around.
"What do you think you're doing?" A young teenager snarls at me. The boy was quite pale with fangs poking at his pink lips. His choppy hair was black with dark violet at the tips. He wore a black cloak with the hood over his head, the rest of his clothes black as well.
I pull my wrist away from the boy, drawing my sword at him, "I don't wish to fight you."
"Then you will die."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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