Chapter one

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"I can't wait for the party!" my best friend Amber exclaims. I just nod along to hide the anxiety feel; I haven't eaten a single thing today all because of this damned party that I really don't want to go to. Out of Amber and me, she is definitely the prettier one. Obviously she was the one who actually got invited to the party, and I'm just going to tag along whilst everyone stares at me like I'm a loser. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted.

"Hello? Are you even listening?"

Oh, that's another thing -I always zone out. It happens all the time at school and the teachers always call me out on it. Once they even called my mum because they thought it was 'getting out of hand'.       "Anyway, as I was saying, what dress? Yellow or pink?" She holds up a stunning buttercup yellow dress with silver sparkles that fade from the top to the bottom. It looks like it would be a tight fit on her beautiful curves. After I'm finished admiring the dress, she holds up the pink one. It's a plain baby pink with a wonderful pattern on the back. The end of the dress flows out which makes it perfect. It takes me a while to decide which one I prefer.

"I think the yellow one as it really brings at your blue eyes."

She jumps up and squeals.

"So what are you wearing? Please don't tell me your wearing that..."

I'm wearing my normal sweatpants and  jumper with food stains all over them.

"Obviously not. I'm gonna wear that white top you bought me with some black ripped jeans." 

I can already see the judgement on he face. I really cant be bothered to go over the top as I'm just not in the mood. She should be grateful that I'm even making an effort.

"I just feel like it's not really party-wear? I mean, it looks really nice but maybe you should try a dress  as it would make your figure look so good!"

"Amber you know I have no figure ."

She rolls her eyes and sighs as we carry on with getting ready. This is going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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