Tarot Card Reading

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Tarot card reading is a type of cartomancy in which practitioners supposedly utilise tarot cards to acquire insight into the past, present, or future. They ask a question, then pull cards and claim to be able to interpret them. A standard tarot deck has 78 cards divided into two groups: the major arcana and the minor arcana.

Tarot cards are gaining a massive, almost cult-like following as the desire for all things mystical, spiritual, occult, and witchy spreads into the mainstream. Tarot cards are a type of divination that literally means interacting with the divine, or your higher self, which, like yoga, is the ultimate goal of tarot cards.

From the many sorts of decks to what each card signifies, we've covered all you need to know about them.

History of Tarot Card Readings

In essence, the tarot is a soul map, a deep psychological guide to self-empowerment shown via 78 symbolic cards. Tarot card readings have long progressed beyond the cheesy, neon "Fortune Teller" sign storefront cliché, which tarnishes tarot and should be avoided. According to a scholarly study, the cards were first employed as a game called Tarocchi by the very affluent in Italy in the 1500s. It wasn't until the 18th century that they were interpreted for spiritual divination.

Purpose of Tarot Cards

The phenomenon is known as synchronicity, a word coined by psychologist Carl Jung to explain the recurrence of events that happen at the same time. There is no differentiation between inner and outside synchrony. The card you choose reflects what your higher self already understands. Communication with your higher self is what tarot occultists refer to it as. The cards are always effective. Tarot cards are a holy mirror, not magic.

There are Decks of various types:

The archetypal pictures are represented by the Major Arcana (or trumps) in a typical deck. Like contemporary playing cards, there are 56 Minor Arcana cards, sixteen Court or Personality cards, and the Kings, Queens, Princes, and Pages. Fire, Earth, Air, and Water are the four elements or suits, each containing ten cards. There are no cards that are intrinsically bad.

The deck may be used in a variety of ways. You should pick your own deck based on what you're drawn to intuitively. There are several systems to study, including Kabbalah, the Tree of Life, color scales, Hebrew letters, numerology, paths, symbolism, alchemy, astrology, mythology, and learning to meditate directly with each card. The more layers you discover, the more in-depth your understanding and insight into the cards will become.

Sharing few cards and their meaning:

The world Card Meaning-

The World card represents satisfaction, success, and completeness. This demonstrates that all of your hard work is beginning to pay off. It signifies that you have reached a significant milestone in your life and have developed the ability to persevere in the face of adversity. The World might represent the conclusion of a long-term endeavor, a study, or any other big life event. It might also refer to the birth of a child, marriage, graduation, or any other accomplishment.

The World card indicates that you want to help the community in numerous ways. Because you see that everything is interconnected, you are dedicated to making the world a better place.

Judgment Tarot Card Meaning-

The Judgment card tells us that we will all be faced with decisions that will have far-reaching consequences for the rest of our lives. The card conjures up memories of times when your actions changed the trajectory of your life for the better. There was probably a point where there was no turning back. The ramifications of your choices will eventually catch up with you, and this card seems to imply that now is the moment. It's possible that you'll have to let go of the past in order to go on with your ambitions for a new life.

The Sun Tarot Car Meaning-

The card indicates that you currently have a strong sense of well-deserved confidence. Life is exceptionally nice right now, and the sun is shining brightly on you as you achieve your objectives. The Sun is one of the tarot cards that brings nothing but happiness and joy.

The Moon Tarot Card Meaning-

You must be aware of the events that cause you to worry and worry, whether they occur now or in the future. It warns you not to let inner conflicts and self-deception get the better of you. These deep anxieties and memories must be released, and bad energy must be released and transformed into something positive. Another interpretation of the Moon card is that it is possible to be deceived. Because what you're seeing now might just be a trick of the light, some deeper reality must be revealed. You must look for hidden powers that need to be discovered.

The Star Tarot Card Meaning

If you get the Star in your reading, it signifies you've faced and overcome a tremendous life difficulty. You have persevered in the face of adversity without losing hope. You may not have realized your own strength when you were suffering, but you are now realizing that the loss helped you uncover your own perseverance and inner power.

The Tower Tarot Card Meaning

The Tower card shows a tall tower perched atop a mountain. A lightning bolt strikes the tower, igniting it. People are jumping out of the windows out of despair as flames erupt in the windows. They want to get away from the chaos and carnage within. The Tower is a metaphor for the ambition that is built on shaky foundations. The tower must be demolished in order to rid the world of old ways and make room for something new. Its disclosures might occur in the form of a flash of insight or inspiration.

The Devil Tarot Card Meaning-

The devil card appearing in your reading indicates that you are feeling trapped, emptied, and unfulfilled in your life. It might also indicate that you are a slave to materialism and extravagance and that no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get rid of the desire to live in luxury.

To know more about Tarot cards reading and their meaning ask starsgyan tarot readers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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