°• ~ Welcome to the Circus ~ •°

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°☆° ~ The Entrance Letter ~ °☆°

Greetings, Saludos, Les salutations, Groeten, Приветствую, Saluti, etc. newcomer(s)!

If you are reading this letter, then you are the soon-to-be newest addition to our beloved family of freaks in Le Cirque Astral de Monsieur et. Madame Noire, or "The Astral Circus of Sir and Lady Black", an ever-growing ménage of extraordinary entertainers selected deliberately and precisely across the course of time.

The guaranteed opportunity for a life of eternal joy, enchantment, and the defiance of every and all humane possibility awaits you here, should you choose to accept our lovely invitation. Take it from me, life in Le Cirque Astral is truly a life of paradise. Of course, even the finest paradise in the world doesn't come without a few... conditions.

So, before you make your final decision, there are a few terms listed below that you should read over. Take your time, we have plenty of it...


°♡° ~ Terms of the Circus ~ °♡°

#1. We are a Family:

While the circus has its fair share of vexatious characters, we are still family and we must trust each other as such. Anything you wish to share, any soul-crushing secrets or regrets that keep you awake at night, you can share with us. Remember, there's no such thing as an "enemy" here.

#2. Consider the Illusions:

This is less of a rule and more of a warning. As you know, Le Cirque Astral travels primarily by train and, well, let's just say the outside doesn't quite match the inside and vice versa. It's quite spacious & very easy to get lost, so be sure to move from room to room with a companion during your first few nights.

#3. Mind the Walls (and the Floor):

There are a few... hidden contraptions within the walls and some of the train's floors made for the sole purpose of aiding the performers as there are quite a few of us. That being said, be careful of where you step, especially in the various dining halls because some implements are more easily triggered than others.

#4. Beware the Animals:

This rule does not quite apply to the living circus animals per se, as our fine tamer can keep even our most ferocious beasts under control. No, this applies more to the...seemingly inanimate creatures that live here, as some of them are more lively than others thanks to our Puppetmaster. Just be wary if you happen to be in a room surrounded by dolls, puppets, plushes, or what have you.

#5. Trust your Ringleader:

I may be asking a tall order of you, but I implore you that it is in your best interest to always have faith in me. Now, I may be too old or too young in your mind (depending on your birth era) to be giving you orders, but trust me when I say that I know what's best for everyone in Le Cirque. Believe me, I have no reason to lie.

°♤° ~ Things to Keep in Mind ~ °♤°

Watch out for The Twins on your first few days here

Refer to others by their titles outside of Le Cirque

Be wary of anything The (Head) Clown gives you

Try not to eat any treats meant for the crowds

Be cautious when in others' rooms

If you must speak to Monsieur et. Madame Noire, tell The Ringleader

Always pay attention to the time

Ask permission before heading into unauthorized rooms

Enjoy yourself!


And, that wraps up our list of terms and reminders. If you have made it this far then you must want to join the crew, and we would just love nothing more than to have you with us!

Go back and read over anything you're uncertain about one last time because once you sign the dotted line there is no going back.

Are you done? Are you ready to sign? Marvelous! It seems you're ready to be a part of Le Cirque Astral de Monsieur et Madame Noire, so without further ado, please sign your first and last name on the line below:


Splendid! One of our special masked helpers will arrive soon enough to bring you to your new room. Until then, just sit back, relax, and remember to trust your Ringleader.

-Sincerely, Leonard Singh

♤°• ℜ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔫' ℜ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔩 •°♤ (A Zᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ Sᴛᴏʀʏ)Where stories live. Discover now