Intro- Annie

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        “Look at me. Just a glance, doesn’t even have to be a second. Please, just look.”

        This is what I say in my head every day in English class, and I say it about a hundred times. You’re probably thinking, “Who is this person and why do they talk to themselves like this in English class?” Well, let me tell you. My soul mate sits next to me in my English class but he doesn’t even know I exist. He doesn’t even look at me. How can you sit next to a person for a whole semester and not look at them, not even once? I know, this baffles me too.

        Anyways, his name is Jake and I am completely and utterly in love with him. I have been since the day I walked into English class on the first day of junior year. I’ve gone to school with the same people since I was five years old so when I saw a new face, and a good looking one, I was instantly intrigued. Of Couse, so were the rest of the girls in the junior class. Even some of the seniors had crushes on him. How am I supposed to compete with that? Well I thought I had a chance when it turned out we got assigned seats in English and what do you know? Jake was assigned to be seated next to me, jackpot! Well, turns out that jackpot was empty. As I said, he hasn’t said a word to me or even looked at me since day one.

        It’s not like I’m hideous or anything, don’t get the wrong idea. I have a heart shaped face, straight dark brown hair, and a button nose. Nothing spectacular but nothing terrible. I’m a little above average at 5’7 which is neither short nor tall. I’d tell you my weight but a lady never shares that information with anyone, not even herself. I will tell you I’m average in weight, again neither fat nor skinny. I’m pretty average, which I guess is the problem. Maybe if I had a special quality about myself that stood out in a good way then maybe I would catch Jake’s attention. Or maybe if I was blonde since that seems to be the only girls he hits on. Like now in class, he’s hitting on some bottle blonde cheerleader. While I just sit here, wasting away.

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