Intro part 2- Jake

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Okay, so I started writing this story about a year ago and stopped when I started college this past fall. I had about 3 or 4 chapters on a flash drive but it became corrupt and I lost it all. Luckily I had a hard copy of it but it's currently somewhere in my closet at my parents’ house. I had a copy of the intro on my email but that was it. So I uploaded my intro in hopes that my mom would find my story soon. I didn't think anyone would be so interested in more just from the little intro but then I got a request for an update. So, I decided to just start over and give an update to the story. This next part is like a second intro but from Jake's point of view of the first day they met. I love feedback so let me know what you think! Thank you for reading and I hope this next part lives up to your expectations.


            Have you ever looked at someone and just knew they were out of your league? Well, when I first laid eyes on Annie I knew she was out of my league.

        It was my first day of junior year at a new school and I was not happy about it. I’ve never been the new kid and I never wanted to be, but when your dad gets a new job in a different state you have to follow. So far my day was going horrible because no one would leave me alone. In every class girls would flirt with me and guys would try to act like they wanted to be my friend even though I knew it was just because of the attention I was getting from all the girls and they wanted to scope out the new competition. I swear sometimes guys can be worse than girls when it comes to dating. I just wanted to lay low for the day and not bring attention to myself but apparently none of these people get that.

        You’re probably thinking I’m some loner dude who’s only attracted to inflatable animals like that weird dude on ‘My Strange Addiction’ since I don’t like all the female attention. Trust me, I do like the ladies but I’m not so fond of the attention. I’ve never liked being the center of attention and at my old school I never was. So I guess I got comfortable with hiding in background so all this attention is making me uneasy.

        That is until I saw Annie. Annie Morris, even just her name is different than the other girls I’ve met today. Okay, I’m not a stalker, I saw her name on the sitting chart. It stuck out to me when I was looking for my name and I glad to see to was write next to mine. I was hoping for a face to match the name so when I saw this beautiful dark brunette walking to the front of the class with the cutest nose I’ve ever seen, who notices how cute a nose is? Anyways, I hoped it was Annie. She looked down at the sitting chart and then looked up to find her seat. I didn’t want to catch me staring I immediately turned my head to the girl sitting to my left that hasn’t shut up since I sat down.

        I feel her presence as she walks by and sits in the chair to my left. Thank you god, she is Annie, you the best man! I want to introduce myself, which is weird since I haven’t felt that urge all day and have actually cringed when people ask me my name trying to do small talk, but this girl won’t shut up. I’m not going to be rude and cut her off just because I want to talk to the brown eyed beauty on my other side. Shit, did I already notice her eye color?

        So instead I watch her out of the side of my eye as she opens her backpack and takes out a green notebook with the word English written in bold letters on the front. She then takes out a pen, pencil, and a yellow highlighter. Damn, this girl is prepared. Maybe I can get her to study with me, or become my tutor, English isn’t my best subject. I wonder if we’ll get partners in this class, maybe we’ll get paired with each other that way I will have an excuse to talk to her. Okay Jake, get a hold of yourself, girls have been talking to you all day why do you need to find an excuse to talk to Annie?

        I realize the answer to my question is, I need an excuse because she hasn’t tried to talk to me yet. Which gets me thinking, why hasn’t she tried talking to me? Every other girl has, why hasn’t she? This gets back to the point about knowing someone is out of your league. Obviously Annie is a way better put together person than these other girls throwing themselves at me. Maybe I should just give up now before I have a chance to get rejected. I mean, why would a girl like her even like a guy like me anyways? With her looks and brains, I know I haven’t even talked to her but I’m sure she’s smart as a whip, she probably already has a boyfriend.

        So, with that I give my attention back to the babbling blonde which I’m sure will be talking my ear off for the rest of the year. At least her jabber will kept me distracted from starring at Annie all hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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