Shots~ Overhaul rap

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Hello I'm back sorry for this taking so long. I apologize for any spelling mistakes and if there anything you don't enjoy or think I could work better on please let me know I would be happy to work on that! Thank you for all the support it been really amazing, but anyways next chapter will be the Dabi rap!


"Ok you all ready?" Lily asked as everyone sat down and nodded their heads to say they were ready

"So quick thing before we start this one, no one is aloud to start yelling or freaking out" Lily said slowly playing nervously with their hair "Understand?"

"Uh yes" several People said clearly confused

"0ok then let's start" She said as she hit the play button on the remote

*the screen came to life and it gets quiet and dark before we see a figure putting on a pair of gloves the camera moves to show the person face.,*



"Who's Taht?"

"Is that overhaul?!!"

"No it's marry poppies! Yes it overhaul who do you think it was?"

"Ok Jerez no need to be so mean about it"

"Why are we reacting to this jerk" Shigarki asked glaring at the screen as if he could disintegrate it with his eyes.

Lily looked over at the far wall and then said "because they wanted you to"

"Who's they?" Mic asked cleaning his glass frames

"Not important" she said simply as most of them exchanged looks.

This world is sick, there's a plague upon our nation

"Capitalism" Mina said seriously

Patients stacking up, an epidemic we're facing

"Corona" Denki said in a sing song voice

All across the population, quirks, and superpowers taking What was once a normal place, into something that needs breaking

"Well that's a very dark perspective on it" Midnight said crossing her arms and sinking into her chair

Shatter the atom,

"Can you actually shatter an atom? Kaminari asked looking over at Momo who was biting her lip.

"It's actually quiet easy to break an atom" She said "we can slice them, dice them, or smash them, so yes you can shatter an atom"

"Ah thank you"

I put it together, I'll take it apart These villains and heroes are mentally damaged

"Like we already didn't know that!" Aizawa Grumbled sinking into his chair

"Yeah we have enough issues to fill up the ocean!

"You know therapy-


I'll challenge the structure at large Developing fast, ripping your body in half, wear an emotionless mask

Call me the remedy
'Cause I am meant to lead
I am the one that's in charge, yea
Developing medicine in a shot

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