Chp. 9 - Reapertale

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Error went through the AU's, checking for glitches and viren.
Sure, he could just look in the Multiverse-Code, but that was way more fun!
He only didn't go to Underfell.

Blue had forbidden Error to go to Underfell.
Error didn't understand why - they had the best chocolate and a few really funny words!
He didn't know what they ment, though.
Wich was weird, considering he was practically raised by voices who clearly didn't know how to raise a child.
Error wasn't really happy about not being able to go to Underfell, but if Blue said so, then was it for the best!

He got ripped out of his thoughts when he landed in a black AU. At first, he panicked.
Did he accidentally open a portal to the VOID and didn't notice it?
But then he realised that not everything was black.
There was a golden shimmer in the near, with buttons that read ,COUNTINUE' and ,RESET'. ,Oh!' Thought Error,
,I am in Aftertale! That is Geno's AU!'
He smiled happily at the thought seeing his big brother and ignored that weird panicking, hopeless and sad feeling that he always got when he was in the Save Screen.

He walked in direction of the Save Screen and the grass patch.
Suddenly noticed he another figure.
They seemed to... cry?
It was hard to see the figure, due wearing a black robe and having turned the back to Error. Someone forced Error...

 wear his glasses. Luckily. It was Blue.
What did you think I was going to say?

If he wouldn't have worn his round, red rimmed glasses, he would have never seen the figure. Probably.

He neared the figure.
Error noticed that the grass of the grass patch was dead. That was sad.
But at the same time? Error didn't care.
Lightly tapped he the figure on the shoulder.
His arm glitched a short harshly.
He still had Haphephobia, but he thought if he could bring himself to Touch people, it would surely go away! Right?
The pain he endured was worth it, right?

The person flinched and turned shocked around. ,,After?"
Asked a deep voices happily.
In Error's nonexistent ears had the voice a warm and soothing sound, almost familiar.
He looked at the person before him.

It was a skeleton, like him.
The bones were in a pale white and the eyesockets had the Illusion to stare into a deep, everything sucking darkness.
,It looks dangerous, yet so beautiful '
Thought Error in silent awe.
The skeleton wore a black robe.
On the robe around his torso and throat were two ropes and at the end of the rope around the throat had a tiny Gaster Blaster Head. ,Awww!'
Thought Error smiling.

He ripped himself out of his trance.
,,i aM nOt tHis ,AfTer'." He said calmly.
,,mY nAme iS ErRoR! AnD wHat iS yoUr NamE?"
The other stared at the glitch.
,,Okay, three things: First, my name is Reaper. But you can also call me Death.
Second: How did you touch me and did not die? Oh, and third: Why is your name ,Error'?" Error looked at him in confusion.
,,wHat Do yOu mean?" He asked.

Reaper sighs.
,,To the second thing: Everything I touch, dies."
,,oH. BUt I aM a BiT iMmOrtal. AnD i dIe, wHen I SaY I dIe. WhAt abOuT thE thIrD tHiNg? WHaT aBoUt mY Name?"
The other god seemed to flinch when Error said ,I die, when I say I die.', but didn't say anything. He looked at the small glitch.
,,Immortal, huh? Are you a god or something? And because if your name... you... do realise that it means ,mistake', right?" Error thought about it.
,,yEah, i aM a God... KindA? AlSo... I doN't cAre wHat mY Name meAns! At LeAsT iT iS nOtHinG bAd lIke ,KilLeR' oR ,DuSt'! AlSo, iT sOunDs VeRy cOol!"
He said. Reaper snickered a bit.
,,Okay then. What kind of god are you?"
He asked, genuinely curious.
,,dEsTrUcTiOn. I DEsTroY AU's tHat... aRe sIcK bEyOnd rEpAir. WeLl, nOw..."
,,What do you mean with ,now'?"
Asked Reaper.
Error just shook his head lightly, not wanting to answer this question.
A train of guilt hit him again, but he shook it off.
Reaper seemed to understand and didn't ask more questions.

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