Eden Hall Academy

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I walk into Eden Hall Academy amazed on how big it is. "Hi are you y/n l/n?" a mysterious voice says. "Oh.. uh yeah." I say turning around and seeing a older man ask me. "Hi Ms. l/n I'm Headmaster Buckley I have heard many good things about you. Welcome to Eden Hall Academy." Mr. Buckley says. "Thank you for having me". We began walking around as he gives me a tour of Eden Hall Academy. "Since you are one of our top students here you will have more access to more things...

——————————-Time Skip—————————-
...and lastly we have the hockey rink. We recently added a new junior varsity team. The ducks do you know them?" He asks. "Yeah they have a professional team named after them near where I live but I'm not much of a hockey person myself."

As we walks around the rink I couldn't help but notice a particular boy. He was staring at me from across the rink. "Sorry to interrupt you Mr. Buckley but who is that boy over there with longish hair?" I ask. "Oh there? That's the junior varsity team and that's number 44 his name is Fulton Reed he's one of our best players I've seen." "Oh okay..." I say as we walk out of the rink.

My Bash Brother (Fulton Reed x Feminine Reader)Where stories live. Discover now