The birthday girl

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I woke up 9:00am, tired and was about to go back to sleep. But then my phone rang, it was my friend, Heather. I answered it wondering why she would be ringing me now.

"Hey" she said. "Hey. What do you want?" I say yorning barely staying awake. "We are going shopping! Hurry up I'll be there in an hour."
She yells. Before I could say any thing else, she hang up on me.

Just at the moment, Mum walks into my room, containing eggs, bacon and a glass of orange juice on a tray, singing happy birthday. Today is my birthday. After mum stopped she yelled in happiness "Happy 19th birthday, sweetheart!"

Then she walked out. I quickly ate my breakfast, done teeth, makeup and hair. I grabbed my purse and my phone. Just as walked out, Heather was there waiting in her car.

I quickly jumped into the car. Then Heather soon took off.

Before we knew it we were there. Opening the door, I see a dreamy guy with beautiful brown hair with hazel eyes and his face was perfect. He turned and our eyes were connected. I couldn't help it, I hid my face, while I was blushing. I sort of peeked though and he started walking again. I started to walk towards Heather, lucky she wasn't looking at the time.We walked into a dress shop. We were in there for hours. Finally we got some dresses and left.

Heather said annoyed "I want some food, lets go!" She said it like she was a little girl or something.

"Ok" I sighed.

I ordered some Maccas and so did Heather.

When we finished, Heather needed to go to the loo. So I waited here. Then my eyes meet with that same guy with the perfect face and all, then he somehow found my eyes and was looking straight at them. He stopped which made my heart beat faster, he started walking over to me, I thought I was dreaming. Once he came over, he said in a soft voice, "Hey my name is Laim, would you like to go on a date with me??"

"A..a..a ddaaa. Date?" As I said it blushing.

"Yea" he laughed " I'll pick you at seven, where do you live?" He smiled

It fell like I was over the moon. That perfect smile and those perfect teeth shining white. I told him all details for this date. As Heather was walking back I whispered to Liam"Quickly go, before that girl sees you."

I saw him walking away. I was screamming in my head, I'm going out with a very hot guy.

When Heather came back from loo, I told her all about it. Lucky I got those dresses.

Hey guys,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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