Y/N's Info Card

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Deku x FemReader

Y/N's Info Card:

Quirk: Sharpshooter

This quirk allows the user to do two things. Part 1 of this quirk which is called (intel) is  allows the user to study a person and find their weakness, likes, dislikes,intentions, any sort of intel they might find useful to use against them. To activate this side of the quirk the user must not talk for 30 minutes or more. If they talk this power cannot be valid for use. Next part of this quirk allows the user to shoot out arrows from the fingertips at will (could be one finger, or multiple, but it depends on the level of consentration.


*You can't communicate if you plan on using intel for a long period of time

*Intel also works depending on the person you try to find out information from, and how well guarded they might be mentally, and emotionally.

*If one were to use intel with a unstable person all the feelings and intentions they might have will overwhelmed and affect the user negatively.

*For the actual main part of this quirk, sharpshooter, if the users shoots too many arrows it drains their hands, as well as arms, which will first get numb. If the user continues to shoot arrows it will make their hands, and arms momentarily paralyzed for about a day depending.

*In regards to shooting arrows from the fingertips it requires a great deal of consentration. One fingertip is easy enough and 2 as well as the number of fingers you use to shoot increase it also increases the amount of focus one must use which can work up a sweat. With training this could be something the user can get used to.

Y/N's Personality:

If you have read my other book (still ongoing) "PAPERFOLDS! - Bakugou x FemReader" You might be pleased to know this will be a perspective of the other Y/N's older sister :) confusing right?

Y/N is the oldest of three in her household, she assists her parents a lot and is often the caretaker of the house when her parents need it. Unlike her youngest sister (by one year) y/n doesn't want to become a hero, she sees that as a lifestyle of bravery and commitment which are things she's downgrades herself on. She's the much more introverted counterpart of her sister. However, Y/N does enjoy something very much and is passionate about it as well. She enjoys drawing, and any form of media she can get her hands on. Y/N wishes to one day be a well known artist for her craft. She still admiers heros very much and even enjoys drawing them. The better the muse the better the drawing. She also has other talents and se will come later on in the book.

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