chapter 1. (the prologue)

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Chapter 1. The prologue.

2050, what a year. Two years ago there was an outbreak in a science lab. And experiment meant to go on animals, fell onto a scientist and caused a reaction that wasn't supposed to happen. Now present time, here we are fighting zombies.

It feels like just yesterday I was in school, talking to my friends, worring about if I can get that science project turned in. Wait. Give me a moment. Gotta kill this zombie. Ok I'm back. Anyways, what was I saying, oh yea zombies. Anyways I wonder who was the scientist that turned into the first zombie.

"John." The leader of what people call,well what's left of us, the zombie killers.

"Yes boss?" Boss took me in a year ago when I was in an abandoned building trying to hide from some zombies and he and the zombie killers found me.

"There has been a report of a group of zombies that are closing in on us. I need you and your group to go there and check it out for me please. And remember if there is some try to kill as many as you can." Boss has always been the type to be calm about everything. Before he started to fight zombies he fought in war. Maybe that's why he acts calm on the outside. I don't know.

"Yes boss. I will go there now. C'mon guys!" I hate this. I mean it's not like I hate killing zombies every day. I think I just prefer to you know doing that project instead of this.

Oop here we are. "be careful guys, be on alert, we don't know if there is any zombies here. NAT LOOK OUT."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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