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It was a quiet night. You sat on top of the rooftop looking at the city below. It's lights glimmered and shined. Nothing but a moon and thousands of stars hanged above your head.

No monsters rampaged through the city. There was no crime it was just peaceful. Although the peacefulness of the world around you, didn't reflect what was going on inside your head.

A raging storm was developing inside your mind. Your father, your teacher the one person that you loved and trust the most, had been diagnosed with stage four cancer.

You wanted to take your ninja suit off, and rush to the hospital as soon as you could. Although you knew your responsibility lied here.

The whole time there was a debate rather to go or stay. The decision was tough. When suddenly you didn't have to make a decision. Your phone ringed.

"Hello?" You whispered into the phone.

"Hi is this Y/N L/N? " A young man answered.

"Ummm yes. is everything alright with my dad?"

Something felt off. A sickening feeling developed in your stomach.

"Will we have some news. Would there be any way you could come to the hospital."

"Yes! How soon do you need me I can be there in 5 minutes."

"Okay thank you. We will see you soon Y/N. "

Your heart pounded as you raced across the rooftops. What was wrong? I have to get there as soon as I can. Is he ok? What if...

Your eyes watered you wouldn't let yourself think of this. Your dad was always a strong man. Though he was also compassionate. You would never imagine in a million years him losing to anything.

But here he was losing to something. No he hasn't lost yet. Whatever the news was you were sure that it was positive. What the doctor would have to say me no difference to his survival.

You reached the hospital. Behind a garbage bin you grabbed your katana and with the simple word of release the ninja suit engulfed the katana. The weapon shrinked into a miniature size, then magically transformed into a keychain.

You hooked it onto your belt loop before running into the hospital. Moments later you're at your father's floor.

"Where's my dad?" You question the Doctor who was waiting for you.

"Well he's fine for now, but I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do for him. We have tried everything we can. Your best option is just to get it over with."

Your heart stopped hearing these words. Tears started swelling your eyes. What was this man saying. For you to just let him go.

"No" said your voice choked. "There has to be something more, A..Anything. just please. I need him. I can't just let him go."

"Look I know it's a hard decision for a child to make, but you have to understand that he's in a lot of pain right now." The doctor said his voice comforting and pleasant.

You stayed quiet for what seems like forever. 

"Can I see him." You said your voice  quivered.

"Of course"

The doctor lead you down a long hallway tell finally you stopped at door 143.

Walking in and seeing your father laying there was heartbreaking. His pale skin and thin demeanor was a slap in the face. His head which was once filled with Y/C combed hair was now bald.

The worst part was his eyes. They were once so filled with kindness and strength. Now they were glossy and fixed on nothing. Everything about him was sickly and sad.

He gave you a glance and with a thin smile told you to come here.

"Dad!!" You cried running over to him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck being careful not to hug too hard.

"Y/N I guess they told you the news." His voice was weak and sad.

"Dad there trying to make me decide for your life!"

Without you realizing your eyes watered and your tears fell like raindrops on a stormy day.

"My young warrior, look up at me don't cry. I don't have very long here, but I'm always going to be with you. Never forget the lessons I have taught you. My words will guide you through life. I love you so very much. Understand that everything I've done has been for you my child. Carry on The warriors name."

Your father grabbed tightly onto your hands. It felt like the world was closing around you. Every option was a dead end. Even your father was speaking of death now.

"No dad don't talk like that you're not done yet I still need you."

"Oh little warrior your always going to need me and I always be there."

He brushed his thin bony hand through your hair. You can stop yourself from crying.


The next week was a blur. Your father had passed the very next day. You were by his side through it all, but that didn't make it hurt any less. When you woke up with him dead beside you your world had unploded.

His funeral seem to be filled with endless tears and then emptiness. You're the last one standing in the rain staring at your father's grave.

Your mother who was gone for most of your life was forced to reappear like magic. There is no words to describe your mother other than kind. At least to everyone else. She was remarried to a man named Hannibal McFest.

He was a wealthy man of course.Your elder brother was the same old jerk that you always knew him to be.

The blower stopped when you had the realization that you would have to go to actual School. Of course you weren't excited or anything. You never worked well with anyone but your father.

You pleaded with your mother and Hannibal to let you stay in homeschool. Of course they couldn't work that into their schedule.

So off to bull crap school we go.

(Author's note)

Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the story. I'm sorry if it was a bit boring, but it will get more exciting as we go along.

This first chapter is very important in the fact that it sets the stage for how your mental state will be through most of the story. Of course a certain Ninja will help out with that.

I'm also super excited to explore into your new ninja thing. I know it will tie in a lot with the Nomicom later on. Anyways I'm not going to spoil too much I hope you enjoyed. love you my little droplets have a good day.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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