people change (no demigod)

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(what had happen)

jason and piper was the school couple. 1month ago

one day jason's long time no seen Best friend (reyna. srry reyna fans. if reyna is not in this story this would be hard to write) came to their school. 

of course jason spend more time with reyna for the past month. 

and even worse jason forgot piper's BDay. piper did not expected for a party but she atleast thought jason would have said happy birthday. 

then the next week jason forgot their 2nd year anniversary. 

and whenever piper and jason started a conversation jason talked about reyna. in result, the whole school strated to gossip. saying jason would be dating reyna soon. 

so piper decide 


 jason didn't want to accept the break up but piper won't just talk to him. 

Piper's POV

"come on piper get your lazy butt of the couch and go see the football game!! I promised Percy (piper's step bro) that I would take you to his game." Annabeth whined.

"I don't wanna go. I don't like our school's football team." piper said

" like our school's team and you love football. you just don't want to see Jason." annbeth said.

"don't even talk about him."

"i don't get it. what did he do to break up you guys. you two were like the sweetest couple in the whole school"

"long story short he is a jerk"

"i have lots of time after the game to hear"

"i don't want to talk about it"

"fine if you go to the game with me i won't ask about Jason and your fighting in the past.  deal?"

".....uhhhh fine! its a deal"


time past---------------------------------

annaebeth and piper was running to the football field because they were late for the game. 

"annabeth i can't run any longer. you go ahead first. i promise i won't run away. you go first" 

annabeth hesitiate a bit but nodded and started running again.

piper was walking texting frank (AKA friend duhh) until she hit someone and falling to the ground. 

"i'm sor---" i was going to apoligize until i saw my number one enemy JASON GRACE

"watch where your going Grace!"

"i'm sorry. didn't see you there"

'why does he still have to be so hot. shut it piper!!' 

"you know what forget it. i don't even want to talk with you" 

"wait pipes talk with me"

"you don't deserve to call me that." and piper waked away leaving her phone on the ground. 

Jason sighed and picked up the phone.

'i was the bit**. why did i even do that to piper' jason thought. 


"the game was awesome!!!!!!" annabeth yelled.

"ok annabeth calm down" piper said. then percy came up to annebth and kissed her on the lips.

"hey sis so how was the game" percy smiled

"eh not bad. great job perce" piper highfived percy. "anyways see you two lovebirds later i'm gonna go for some tea" and piper walk away. 

"PIPER" piper flinched at the voice. she tried not to look back but jason grabbed her wrist.

"piper wait. i don't want to ruin my last chance." jason said.

"i don't care. i going."

"plz. i'll give your phone back" jason smirked. 

"waht?!" piper searched for his phone and sighed. "fine i'll give you 5minutes and then give me the phone back"

"can we talk some where else?"

"anything for my phone GRACE"

jason led piper to a treehouse five minutes away from the football field. they went up.

"what jason. i don't want to hear about explanations. i get it that there is just soemthing not working for us."

"piper i still can't allow the break up. i tried hard to forget you but the more i try, you are the only person that i think about every second. piper i love you. i'm sorry after reyna came....i was just to excited to see my friend. i know it's a stupid excuse but piper plelase i need you in my life ican't do anything with out you"

"i just don't know jason. i'm sorry but i am just over you-"

"piper plz don't say that i know you still love me too just listen to your heart. i can wait years until you come back to me. just plz don't say we are done. i'll wait for you to come back to me"

"don't wait jason go find a better girl like reyna. people change and i don't like you" and piper grabbed her phone and climbed down the treehouse

"piper please don't do this this might be the last time i can see you if you make this decision" jason almost in tears.

that stopped piper


"i'm leaving more than a year for a movie (aka jason is an actor) but i just can't leave like this piper"

'...please don't leave' piper thought. she had no idea where that came from but she new it was real

"what did you say?" jason asked a little excitingly

"did i say just say that aloud. like actuallly aloud how big was my voicelookejasoanisnotwahtyouseeitwassometingstupidand-" something soft stopped piper's mouth to move. 

piper didn't know what to do at first but a second later she decided to follow her heart and kissed him back.

when they broke up. piper was blushing and jaosn was smiling very widely.

"can you say that again pipes"

"say what"

"you know.....plz"

".........please...don't go" piper locked eyes with jason.

"me too pipes but i have to but i promise i'll come back for you. we can text skype and everything i just needed to know you stiill loved me. piper i am so sorry what had happened. and i still love you'

"jason you were right. i should be listening to my heart more. and i think ......i still love you too"

and they kissed again.


crappy story 

nxt one will be better

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