Why Me?

61 11 19

As soon as she reaches the bathroom stall, she locks it and sits on the toilet seat crossing her legs, panting and all of the pain and anger leave her eyes as a water flow, every now and then. She sniffles quietly, why her? Why?

The footsteps get louder and they stop in front of the bathroom, "Where is she?" A high-pitched voice asks, anger lacing in the tone, She stops her sniffling and tries to listen carefully, forgetting to breathe for a second, the footsteps get quitter by now, are they leaving? 

Are they letting her go?

 She inhales and exhales, controlling her breathing, and then waits for a second, okay, more 5 minutes, then this period will be over and she'll just make a run; for the exit.

"Shhhh, it's gonna be okay," she whispers to herself, in a way, she doesn't blame them, why should she? When she's the one is blame to? She tries to control her breathing. She closes her eyes and thinks about something else. Tries. But all she can think about now is their laughter, their mockings, their great attempts to make herself believe that she's not good enough.

She clutches into her bag and places her both hands on her mouth, to prevent loud crying, she shouldn't cry, she should stand against them, but here she was crying and hoping that just maybe her tears will stop falling. 

After a while, the bell rings and she slowly opens the door and just she's about to make a run, a hand grips hers and spins her...

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite person here trying to run from me," she bites her cheek to stop crying, she's given enough entertainment to them. "Look at me," the person grits out, she looks up to see a pair of hazel eyes, a beautiful one, which makes the girls melt or so she thinks. Why else they'll act like that if he doesn't affect them?

"Addy," he grumbles, the way he says her name, runs shivers down her spine, not in a good or cute way, in an intimidating way, his voice is enough to scare her to death.

"I didn't tell you to check me out," he smirks and grips her hand tighter.

"I....I..." she tries but nothing comes out of her mouth. 

"Oh, you'll just say that you weren't, sure, sure, Adidas, oops, no, at least it has a status, unlike you," he smirks again and pushes her to the floor.

"Oh, so, she was hiding here," the high-pitched voice states belonging to the same girl who was looking for her, from whom she was hiding so long. 

She sighs knowing that she's been caught and now what's gonna happen is a routine, why her? Why is it that always her life has to be like this? She now doesn't stop the tears, although her tears don't affect them, the Finley twins.

Lennon Finley and Luna Finley, the name of her nightmare, a very dangerous ones. With their born good looks, dark hair and hazel eyes, and charms, they think they can get whatever they want, even a person's respect. 

 She backs up until her back hits the wall. She thinks about screaming but no one will help her leaving the Finleys and their minions. They basically own the school, everyone adores them, well, not everyone, only a few people adores them, for their own benefit. As usual.

And a few people look at them in disgust, not bothering whatever they do, a few people don't like them but are scared of them and the minions. And the rest of the people, which are very few, are victims like her, she distracts herself with thinking, as she feels the hittings and kickings.

"Why me?" she whispers and lets her tears flow, what has got them so mad about her? Why?

"Stop it, Len, you know she's not worth it," a voice says slowly, almost a whisper, causing Lennon to turn around, "What did you say, Ben?"

The guy with black hair and green eyes looks at her, and she almost finds pity in them, why is he defending her? Again, who won't with a right brain?

"Look," he holds Lennon's arm, "Some teachers are coming in this way, you better go, they can easily notice the huge crowd in front of the ladies' washroom."

"So?" Luna glares at her causing her to back up again, but there's no more space. 

"You can get in trouble," Ben looks down.

She doesn't understand the Ben guy, he doesn't look like their friend or minion, as they are glaring and look like a step away from punching the heck out of him, but then why does he call Lennon as Len?

Luna huffs and orders her minion, Marley, to do the usual before leaving Lennon and the others. Marley smirks as she takes out the small plastic bag in front of her and slowly approaches her. 

She frowns in curiosity before realizing what's it, then in a second, her face drops and she shakes her head, "No, no, please, Marley, please, don't do this, you don't have to, you know, right?" she starts to shake and continues pleading, "Please."

"Oh, you know, I 've to, actually I want to," 


she opens the bag and lets the small creatures make their way down to her face, she lets out a scream but Marley closes her mouth staffing a cloth inside. She continues to whimper and jump so that these tiny creatures who don't have any clue what's going on here, will leave, but Marley takes care of that too, binding her both hands.

She whimpers and makes attempts to wiggle out of this situation, but the tiny creatures with eight legs roam over her, she tries to breathe normally as soon as she feels the trouble in her breathing and the world start spinning, she tries to stay awake but slowly her eyelids begin to close.

Before fainting, she sees Marley looking at her but not with the usual disgust, but with pity and guilt.

A/N: Dear readers, I hope you all are okay. 

Bully is the show of your own insecurities, the unlocking of the demons which you are hiding. You are facing your own problems and bullying someone is just the worst show-off of that. No one likes a bully, after the day, they don't generally have any friends, because do you want a criminal friend? 

Do you know how many people die every day just because they couldn't handle those little games, you've shown them they're not needed, they're not enough, and they listened to you, and took their own life. Maybe they were suffering from their own problems and were desperately trying to find a way, a cause to live but you telling them they should kill themselves, they stopped trying. 

Isn't that hurtful to you too? Maybe it was all just a little fun to you, but it took their lives, either physically or mentally, if you were good to them, maybe just maybe they would help you too, and find a way to fight back against their own demons.

Please Stop bullying.

Stop making people feel low when they are already enough devastated.

And who are suffering, you know you're not alone, you're needed, to your people, to us, you're beautiful no matter however you are, you're more than enough, never stop fighting, talk to someone whom you can trust, don't bottle up your feelings, your suffering, we're here, humanity is here, and will be there for you always.

And in case, If any of you need to talk to me, I'm always here.

Take care.

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