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Name: Aries Rivera

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 5'4

Looks: Brown shoulder-length hair, short, Reddish brown eyes

Personality- Aries isn't always loud, but when she is she try's not to make people deaf. She is pretty protective of her friends and family. She is Loveable. Aries is very passionate about the things she love. Unlike other Aries stereotypes she prefers not to be the leader.

Name: Taurus Carter

Age: 15

Gender: female

Height: 5'6

Looks: Darkish long wavy Brown hair, Average height for female, Hazel eyes.

Personality- Taurus isn't like other Taurus with their stereotypes, she barely worries about food. Taurus is a quiet person. At first she might go off as mean, but in reality she's actually very nice and dislikes animals.

Name: Gemini Nelson

Age: 15

Gender: female

Height: 5'7

Looks: mid-length Brown hair with natural blonde highlights, Average height for females, blue eyes

Personality- Unlike the Gemini stereotype, Gemini is actually NOT a flirt, is VERY loving. Gemini is one of the smartest people you could probably meet. She isn't two faced.

Name: Cancer Adams

Age: 15


Height: 5'8

Looks: Blonde hair, average height for males, Dark Brown eyes

Personality- Cancer is very loving and kind. Unlike the stereotype Cancer is very strong, and isn't as emotional as they say.

Name: Leo Lopez

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6

Looks: Black Dark curly hair, average height, one brown eye and one green eye

Personality- Leo is nothing like her stereotype...well kinda. One thing that is correct in her stereotype is the part about her being strong. Leo very wise for her age, but there are times she can be a brat, but not on purpose.

Name: Virgo Taylor

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Looks: Brown hair, average height for males, dark gray eyes

Personality- When it comes to Virgo stereotypes they're either a "bad boy" or smartie pants that wears glasses, though he is smart, he's more of "normal" child. He isn't in any groups that could give him a "reputation", he prefers to be by himself.

Name: Libra Walker

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8

Looks: Brown hair, average height for males, brown eyes

Personality- LIBRA IS NOT LIKE HIS STEREOTYPE, he is NOT a flirt actually he's probably one of the most mature out of the 12. Libra is popular but he isn't like a jerk or whatever. Sometimes Libra wishes he wasn't popular so then he could show off his brain smarts, instead of having a reputation of being a sporty person, he doesn't even like sports that much .

Name: Scorpio Davis

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Looks: Long straight Black hair, Average height, dark Gray eyes

Personality- Scorpio is kinda similar to her stereotype, but not all the way. Scorpio is cold to people she doesn't like, but if she's friends with you then she's sweet as can be. She gives GREAT hugs. Scorpio is very kind, as long as you're not on her bad side.

Name: Sagittarius Garcia

Age: 15

Gender: Male (I have a female Sagittarius in one of my of books)

Height: 5'7

Looks: Wavy dirty blonde hair, average height, hazel eyes

Personality- Sagittarius is friendly, but fierce. Sagittarius is a loveable person. Unlike Sagittarius stereotype HE ISN'T A JERK.

Name: Capricorn Rodriguez

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Looks: Shoulder length Dark brown hair, average height for female, white/gray eyes (Reasoning is because she's blind)

Personality- Capricorn is smart but lack in common sense when put in certain situations. Capricorn is a actually nice, but people misjudges her because of her monotone facial expressions.

Name: Aquarius Jones

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7

Looks: Brown hair, Average height, brown eye

Personality- Aquarius is chill. That's pretty much it. I guess I'll explain his personality a bit more, Aquarius's father is rich, but he isn't one of snobby rich kids, he is...chill. Aquarius was smart and strong, and not that emotional like his stereotype.

Name: Pisces Mack

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8

Looks: Shoulder length Dark Brown/Almost Black puffy/curly hair, Blue eyes, average height for males

Personality- Pisces isn't as emotional as his stereotype says, and he's actually very nice. Pisces is smart and he can be cold to someone he don't like or don't know.

Hi, these are the characters, if your gender don't fit I have two other stories that might have it.

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