Chapter 1

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Sagittaria Pov

Today I'm moving in a new apartment which means a new room and a new roommate and I'm so nervous. Hopefully my new roommate is nice.

Time to get the key to the front desk.
"Um, hi. I'm Sagittaria, and I'm moving to room 316," I said.
The person in the front desk looked at me nervously. "Okay, here you go. Good luck," she said, handing me the key.
"Um thanks?" I said.

Why good luck? Is my roommate a serial killer or something? Now that is making me more nervous.

I was getting in the elevator when someone yelled, "Hold it open, please!"
I quickly put my arm before it closes, as she gets in the elevator.
"Thanks," she said.
I smiled, "You're welcome."
"Are you new here? I haven't seen you here before."
I nodded.
"I'm A'whora, by the way," she smiled.
"Sagittaria," I said as the elevator opens.
"I gotta go now, bye!" I said as I drag my bags out of the elevator.

I look over the doors number. After a few minutes of looking, I found it. I put the key in the door knob and unlocked it as I open the-
Oh my god, I'm sorry.." I said closing the door quickly.

I just saw my roommate naked. Fuck, I just hope she's not mad . The door opened hitting my elbow.
"Ouch," I said, rubbing my elbow. I look over the person that opened the door. She's gorgeous. Her long black hair, her piercing, all of it.

"Are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna come inside?" she said, bringing me back to reality. She rolls her eyes.
"Uh, yeah." I said, going inside the room.

I put all of my stuff on my bed and sighed. "I'm Sagittaria," I said, putting out my hand for a hand shake. She ignores me and continues fixing her bed and puts her earpods on.
"Dovima," she said without looking.
"Cool name."
She just rolled her eyes
"Awkward," I mutter while pulling some of my stuff out of my bag.

-----time skip----

I'm hungry. I look over to Dovima, and I see she's sleeping peacefully. I don't want to bother her.

I put on my hoodie and grab my headphones, and carefully close the door.

I was waiting for the elevator when someone said, "Hey," making me flinch.

"Oh, sorry." she said. It was A'whora.
"It's okay," I said.
"Um, do you know where a good café is or something?" I ask.
"Yeah, I do. I'm actually on my way to go to one, you can come with me if you want," she said as we got in the elevator.

"We're here," she said. The café is gorgeous. It's giving me vintage vibes. As we enter, I saw tons of books, making me so happy.
"Also, there's some books if you wanna read, you can also purchase them," she said, making me smile .

"A'whora!!" someone yelled across the room. She has dark skin, green eyes, and long black hair.
"Baby," A'whora said, as she kisses the girl's cheek.
"Who's that?" the girl asked.
"Oh, babe, she's the girl I told you about.  Her name's Sagittaria." A'whora answered, smiling at me.
"Hi," I replied quietly.
"I'm Tayce, Awhora's girlfriend," she said. "Come join us!" they both said.
"Um, sure, I'm just gonna order,"

"Good morning, ma'am," the cashier said.
"Morning, um, can I get a large mocha frappe, 2 waffles with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, and one large caramel frappe?"

I give the cashier my card as I try to carry my food tray on the table.
"Here you go, enjoy," the cashier said, handing me my card back.

I sit next to A'whora and she introduces me to her friends. "Guys, meet Sagittaria! Sagittaria this is Gigi, Arantxa, Carmen, Bimini, and Symone."
"Hi," I said.
"Hi, so you're new? What's your apartment number?" Carmen asked.
"Umm, 316?" I said, taking a sip of my mocha frappe.

They all looked at each other and glances back at me.
"Why the faces?" I asked.
"Girl, you got Dovima. She's like rude, villain vibes, and no one lasts a year of her being a roommate. Or even 5 months," Arantxa said.
They all nodded.
"Oh, why?" I asked.
"No one knows," Gigi said.

I made my way back at my apartment, thinking of what Arantxa said earlier at the cafe. I opened my apartment door, seeing Dovima awake, watching something on her laptop .

"Hey, I got you some waffles and a frappe," I said, putting the food on her table.
"Thaaanks..." she says sarcastically.

"You're welcome," I smile. "I'll be in the shower if you need anything."
She just shrugged.

I hopped in the shower and let the cold water run over my body.
"God, this is refreshing" I thought. I grab my conditioner when the bathroom door opened.
"Holy fuck," someone screamed. I gasp as I grab my towel to cover my body.

I heard dovima laughing.
"Oh, fuck you," they said. "I'm so sorry," they added as they close the door.

I sigh and process what happened, and continued taking a shower.

I get out of the bathroom and I see Dovima talking to her friend. They both look at me.
"Sorry again," they said.
"It's fine," I said putting on my clothes.

"You're so dumb. I told you someone's in the bathroom," Dovima laughed. Her friend glared at her, making me giggle .

"I'm Inti, and you are?" they said. s
"Sagittaria," I replied.
"Cool name," they giggled.
"Thank you, yours too," I replied.
Dovima rolled her eyes.

"Is my friend nice to you?" they ask.
"Yeah, she is,"
"Yeah, Dovima is really nice."
"Hm?" Inti said and Dovima looks at me.
"I promise Dovima is really nice to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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