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I woke up, i looked at my legs, then smiled because I was human, I went outside, i saw hans, hi hans! I said, oh..., h-hey anna! Hans said, I was a little bit sad that he knows that I am a mermaid, sorry..., that i'm a mermaid..... I said sadly, n-no! , no! , it's ok! , don't worry about it! Hans said, thank you! I said happily, I kissed hans in the cheek, h-hey! , no kisses! Hans said angrily, sorry.... I said sadly, just go! Hans said angrily again, I went to the shack sadly, when I sat down on the chair, I cried sadly, suddenly someone touched my hair, i was expecting hans, but when i looked at that person, it was kristoff, are you alright? , anna? Kristoff asked me, j-just leave me alone!!! I Shouted at kristoff and went to my room.
anna!, wait! I Shouted at anna, anna runned quickly to her room, anna! I said while knocking on the door, I went back to the shack sadly, I saw eugene eating a sandwich, dude!, are you alright? Eugene asked me, I don't know..... I said sadly, look! , just tell me what's the problem.... eugene said nicely, the problem is that anna got angry at me..... I said sadly again, oh! , I see....., you know you can't love anna, she's in love with hans, remember? Eugene asked me, I know.... I said sadly to eugene.
I went to hans angrily, what did you do to anna?! I said angrily, she's just pitty! , ok! And this is none of your business! Hans said angrily, fine! , if your in trouble with something! , then I won't help you! I said angrily and went to the shack.
I saw jack walking towards me , what just happened? Jack asked me, it's just anna! , she's just so annoying! I said angrily to jack, then what did she do to make you annoyed? Jack asked me while teasing, she kissed me in the cheek! I said angrily again, it's just a kiss! , ok! , when elsa hugged me , it was ok.... , she just like you.... jack said, i looked at him and he gave me a smirk. Well...., does that make sense to me? I asked him, jack laughed for a while, what's so funny?! I asked him angrily, remember that time! , when your last girlfriend kissed you on the lips! Jack said while laughing, yeah...., i remember that.... I said boringly, you two nearly broke up! Jack said while laughing again, he was laughing so hard, he couldn't even stop, hey!, amanda was really creeping me out! I said angrily to jack, w-wait! , you're over reacting! Jack said suprisingly, uh! I said angrily, you are over reacting! , Hans is over reacting! , Hans is over reacting! , hans is over reacting! Jack said while teasing me again, stop it! I said angrily to jack, first! , apologize to anna! Jack said , never! I said angrily, you ask for it! , Hans is over reacting! , Hans is over reacting! , hans is over reacting! jack said while teasing me again, I was getting annoyed by jack, i think that he's just doing this for elsa, I don't know why jack likes elsa, well, i don't really know that he is in love with elsa, but I think he likes her, elsa , anna and rapunzel are mermaids, elsa is in love with jack, but I'm not really sure about that, rapunzel is like in love with eugene, anna is in love with me, kristoff is in love with anna, this is the weirdest thing ever! , ok! , ok! , i get it! , I'll apologize to her! I said giving up,
And I went to her room.

the three teenage mermaids and the three teenage boys: the merpearlWhere stories live. Discover now