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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HOO, it belongs to Rick Riordan. Few characters belong to me.

Location: Desolate


"Commander Cosmic" Shadow the second in command of Vex's army.

"Shadow, anything to report?" Vex asked his second in command.

"Your cousins are here" Shadow told his commander.

"Okay, go check the commanders I don't want them doing anything dumb" Vex sighed.

"Okay Commander Cosmic." Saying this Shadow left his commander.

"Now let's see who came for a visit instead of calling me"]


I opened the large doors and walked in which lead me to a hall, a hall I wondered. I started moving forward to the door at the end of the hall, either side of the hall were huge windows I looked out to see the stars the shined brighter, happier I must say.

Now I reached the door at the end of the hall and opened it. I stood in front of a king-sized bed looking at the sight in awe. It was much better than my room at Celestis, sorry Chaos. This room was fight for a king rather than an idiotic commander like me. I looked around to my right was the bathroom and to my left was a large closet, they sure knew how to treat guests I thought. I went to check out the bathroom first I was huge there was a shower, a huge bathtub and also a huge mirror. Next, I went to the closet I opened it, it had the clothes which I packed also lots of new ones and one side of the closet had few formal clothes. Thank Chaos we didn't bring any formal ones, we didn't even think about it.

After few more minutes of checking around, I went back outside to meet up with my friends. I found all of them outside they were bickering so I went and joined.

"Hey guys" I said walking up to them.

"Hey Luke" Raven greeted I stiffened.

"Guys were not at home, so please code names."

"Okay Alter" he responded.

"So, how were your rooms?" I asked them.

"It was awesome!" Vino started.

"It's better than the ones at Celestis" Shade snickered.

We were about to continue until be heard an ahem from behind us. Behind us was a bot he was short and he looked younger than us. He wore a cloak his hood up concealing us from his identity unlike our hood which covered our eyes and only showed our mouth; he wore a mask not showing his mouth and his eyes were shown they were onyx black they looked very familiar to Shade's. His little skin which showed was pale as Hades and his hair was black eve thought I only saw little.

"Hello Cultivians, I am Shadow second in command of Vex's Army, before you ask why I'm here you see Vex is meeting his cousins." He told us.

"Hello I'm Commander Alter, Nice to meet you." I held my hand out for him to shake.

"Commander Alter, the pleasures mine" he said shaking my hand.

"I suggest you all start getting ready, 7pm is nearing" he said vanishing no shadow-travelling specifically.


I watched as the doors opened 2 people walked in specifically my cousins, it was Gaea and Nyx. I see why they came; few years ago, these two idiots took my cloak for examination to my uncle. Well, the cloak was a fake or should I saw not the 'one' as I couldn't trust any idiot with it. It was a gift from my father for my 12th birthday. This cloak was indestructible coated by ancient powers of my grandfather and grandmother. There were only three of them one belonged to me the other two were given to my twin brothers. I researched many years how the were made and I know how but if anyone got their hands on the spell, it would be a mess, a great mess. If your wondering how? My grandparents came an told me as I'm their favourite grandkid, he-he.

I gave them the one which I made there was one more cloak I use that for missions, the original is locked away no one knows where it is other than me.

"So, can I have my cloak back sis? It's been years." I asked raising an eyebrow. They shrugged under my gaze.

"Well, you see brother, our father gave that cloak to his champion." I was drinking water and I chocked on it.

"What?" I croaked in amusement. I knew uncle was stupid but not this much. Thank God I didn't even wear that clock otherwise Luke/Alter would be wearing an already worn cloak; it would be very weird.

"Why didn't uncle ask me?" I asked my idiotic cousins.

"He forgot?" It came out as a question rather than a statement. I cursed in my head.

"You should know that Alter is in the palace here at the moment, and I wonder if he will freak out if he found out that the cloak was mine?" I said.

They seemed to widen their eyes.

"Please don't tell him" They pleaded. Stop. I told them in their mind they nodded.

"LORD CHAOS" I called he didn't come.

"CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS!!!" I called this time he came.

"WHAT AND STOP CALLING ME LORD I'M YOUR UNCLE NOT YOUR LORD" he screamed at me like a girl. I and my cousins snickered.

"Where's my cloak then uncle?" I asked, he stiffened.

"I forgot to tell you, sorry Vortex" he said.

"Its fine uncle, anyway I never touched that cloak be thankful for that or he'd be wearing mine or he couldn't uncle." I told him this made him look at me.

"What do you mean by that Vortex?" he raised his eyebrow, I sighed.

"You see originally there were only three of these cloaks, me and my brothers got it and when they died I was the only one having it; knowing that some hands would try to steal it I locked it away" my uncle lowered his gaze "So I had been seeing how to make those and let's say grandfather and grandmother found me worthy of knowing the spell" Now uncle gasped it had been centauries he heard from his parents "I learned it and made three duplicates and I forgot to mention that these clocks claim their owners too, so that cloak which Alter has claimed him if I had worn it, it would not be on him." I paused "So that's why I told I hadn't worn it; I have one of the cloaks with me." I finished.

It took some time for Chaos to respond.

"So, who has the last cloak?"

"That's for me to know uncle for now, anyway want to join us for dinner today?" I asked.

"Sure, it's been a long time since we've all sat together" Uncle said with a smile.

There was a knock at the doors of the throne room, I asked them to enter.

Entering the room were eight Chaos soldiers dressed formally and Shadow,

"Commander Cosmic" he looked around and saw the others "Lady Gaea, Lady Nyx and Lord Chaos" he greeted.

"Hello Shadow" I greeted as I stood up from the floor. I saw few Cultivians tense when they heard Gaea's name.

"Don't worry Cultivians she doesn't bite" Gaea glared at me and I glared back at her.

"You guys can reveal yourselves if you want" Chaos told them, they nodded.

All of them had their hoods down, I heard Shadow gasp and he looked at me, I chucked and nodded.

Then Shadow slowly removed his hood and mask to reveal non other than the son of Hades. Nico Di Angelo.

There was silence and I broke it.

"Luke Castellan, Zoe Nightshade, Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Bianca Di Angelo, Ethan Nakamura, Castor and Michael Yew, it's a pleasure to meet the friends of Percy Jackson" I said as they all looked at me shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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