HP Next Gen Nextgen

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Alex Weasley- (he's a muggle)
(Fred II adopted son)

Nymphadora II Lupin- Ombrelune

(Teddy and Vic's eldest)

Clara Malfoy- Slytherin
(Rose and Scorp's eldest)

Oliver Potter- Ravenclaw
(James and Katie's eldest)

Adrian Scamander- Slytherin
(Lorc and Becca's eldest)

Lyall II Lupin- Bellefeuille
(Teddy and Vic's youngest)

Luke Potter-Scamander- Ravenclaw
(Lily and Ly's only son)

Hailey Scamander- Hufflepuff
(Lorc and Becca's youngest)

Andra Malfoy- Hufflepuff
(Rose and Scorp's youngest)

Daniel Granger-Weasley- Ravenclaw
(Hugo and Alice's eldest)

Samantha Granger-Weasley- Gryffindor
(Hugo and Alice's middle child; Danny's twin)

Logan Potter- Slytherin
(James and Katie's youngest; nonbinary)

Franz Ollivander-Weasley- (he's a muggle)
(Annie and Dominique's adopted son)

Emma Potter- Squib
(Albus and Ellis' eldest)

Jason Potter- Hufflepuff
(Albus and Ellis' youngest)

Emily Granger-Weasley- Hufflepuff
(Hugo and Alice's youngest)

Mary Taylor- Ravenclaw
(Lucy and Aaron's eldest)

Wendy Popescu-Weasley- Durmstrang Institute
(Molly II and Ava's adopted kid)

Hayden Taylor- Slytherin
(Lucy and Aaron's youngest)

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