During Lunch,

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I was being called names and teased. "Hey N---er Lover! Is that your boyfriend?! Ew! You are disgusting! How could you let a black kid hit one of us and not do anything Barbara?!" First of all, he wasn't my boyfriend because this was my first time meeting him. I would like to get to know him more first. Second, my father would beat me if I ever fell in love with a black boy. Third, I am an independent young adult and do not dream about love.

My lunch consisted of a sandwich that my mom made. Salami and Swiss cheese, which came from the deli that my mom always went to as we were growing up. My mother died so now I go and get the meat and cheese every Saturday.

I miss her sometimes. She was the one who taught me in secret behind my father's back, that... "Barbara Jones, I am so excited to see you become a woman someday. You will do extraordinary things, but I need to talk to you about one thing... Do you remember how black people were slaves? Well, I want you to treat them as you would treat a white person. No matter how much your father gives you crap for it, stick up for yourself. This world is cruel, but you can still make a difference." If only it were that simple. My father is an abusive person so I try to stick to his good side.

The black boy who punched my white jock peer for messing with my hair sat down next to me. I looked over at him as he looked at me, "You're different, aren't you?" spoke the boy, with a raspy deep voice. "I... think?" I replied, not knowing how to answer his question. "Do you mind if I sit here?" asked the boy. "No, I do not mind at all," I replied. "What is your name?" I asked him. "Names' Arthur" he would reply. I would smile as we chatted, and before we both knew it, time had flown by. I guess that the term 'time flies when you're having fun' is true.

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