chapter 2- Absolute Melascula appears

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After the war against Hoshido and Nohr, Corrin, Azura, and Jakob have run to the middle of the forest where they met a weird flying fish with an orb in its hand.

Jakob: Huh, what in that thing!?

Z(In Corrin's mind): What is that thing, Corrin? It's ultra-strange...

Corrin: Don't worry, Z, Jakob. She's harmless.

???: Lady Corrin! What happens to your armor!?

Corrin: Uhh, Lilith, it's a kinda long story...

Jakob: Lilith?! Do you mean our maid in the fortress?

Lilith: Pleasure to meet you again, Jakob. More importantly, we need to head to Astral Plain to discusses this.

They nodded as they follow Lilith to Astral Plain where no one knows its location.

~~~Moment later~~~

Corrin and her companions at Lilith's temple to discuss the recent discovery.

Lilith: So, let me get this straight, two giants battling each other in the sky and one of them disappears after an explosion and a weird object attached to the legendary Yato. Am I right?

Corrin: Yes, and don't forget about the strange wyvern too.

Lilith: You mean the strange wyvern came out of nowhere and start controlling the dead peoples?

Azura: Yes, although we have no conclusion if the giants brought the monster here.

Lilith: I don't know about the Outrealm much but this is interesting...

Corrin: Well, nonetheless, we better get some rest before we head out to Hoshido again.

Jakob: Are you sure, milady? You have already been label as a traitor to both kingdoms.

Corrin: Traitors or not, I'm sure our real enemies are out there somewhere and trying to plot against us.

And that, Corrin, stood up from her place and told Lilith that they need to go now and told her that they will be back after they make deals with the Hoshido first.

Not long after, Corrin and the other left Lilith temple and went to the bottomless canyon when one of her retainers fell to it. Z uses Corrin's eyes and saw the canyon and asks through her mind.

Z(Corrin's mind): How deep is this canyon...

Corrin: Deep enough, that no one able to make it back up again and presume dead.

Z(Corrin's mind): Ultra-deep...

Azura: Now, we have to jump from the bridge to able enter the place I mentioned earlier.

Jakob: You wouldn't dare to told lady Corrin to jump off the bridge into the Bottomless Canyon?! How utterly ridiculous!?

Corrin: Jakob, this is the only way to enter the place where Azura mentioned. Please believe in her.

Jakob: As you wish, lady Corrin.

Azura: Thank you, Corrin.

Corrin: You're welcome, Azura.

Azura: Like Corrin said, this is the only way to enter "that world". I will be the first to go down there and await for you.

And that moment, Azura leaps off the cliff and dropping into the bottomless canyon. After that, it Jakob's turn to jumps off the cliff and follow Azura, and lastly, Corrin, she was the last to jumps off the cliff.

Z(in mind): You can do it, Corrin! I ultra-believe in you!

Corrin: Thank you, Z. *deep breath* Heres goes nothing!

Corrin lets out her breath and jumping off the cliff and descending to the canyon. But when she jumped in the canyon, Tartarus was looking at them.

Tartarus: So, it's seem that ultra warrior have found a new host... Melascula!

A portal opened up as a feminine absolutian warrior walks out from the portal.

Melascula: You called, Tartarus?

Tartarus: Yes, Melascula, I want you to follow that ultra warrior in that canyon.

Melascula: Your wishes is at my command for I, Absolutian Melascula, will destroy that ultra warrior.

Melascula leap off the ground and toward the bottomless canyon to tries and find Z, Corrin and their companions.

To be continued...


Sorry for the lack of updates in this book, cuz I'm busy irl and my time schedule is a messed, so this chapter is short but a new villain appears, who will be appearing throughout other series(my OC), her abilities is as same as Tartarus but she can travel to different universe and fight multiverse version of Ultramen.


Next time on Giant of Fates

The ground shakes as the group fighting the vallite armies.

Corrin: What is happening?!

Gunter: What's that abomination?!

A mysterious monster roar at them

Z: Corrin, let's us Ultra-finish it!

Chapter 3: The monster from the mirror world

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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