The Weekend After Marco Pov/ Part 2

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Next day

I walk into school with my head down. I felt terrible, like, I was going to vomit. I look around and see Craig. I freeze in place. That was just a nightmare, he didn't really do that. I felt my heart beating way to fast, I can't breathe. I run into the bathroom and try to calm down. Fuck, it wasn't real. It wasn't. I stayed in there until the bell went off.

I walk into class, the teacher was about to say something but I guess I look that bad. I sit down and just zone out. I sigh and just put my head down. Why can't I just have a normal life?

I quickly leave and just run through the halls. I accidentally run into someone big. I look up into see it's Craig. "H-hey Marco, h-how are um?" He stutters as I just walked away. I panicked, okay? I quickly find the nearest empty room. I let out a few breaths before leaving and going back to class. I did this all week

I'm such a wimp. I walk in and sit down. I put my head down and just zone out. I run into someone else. When I look up I see it's Jimmy with Ashley and Ellie. "Wow, Hey there, Marco. Are you alright? You don't look so good man?" I felt tears start to prickle my eyes and shake my head. He quickly takes me into the bathroom, away from the girls. "I kissed Craig and I then had a dream that he-he. " Jimmy quickly shush me. "I know, you know that he would never do that. But, Man you really need to talk to him about this. It will be for the best." I nod before leaving. Going to find Craig.

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